Hey big head.. ;)

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I moan out into the toilet after what seemed like hours of puking my guts out. Jesus what kind of Hang over remedy was that? Heels click away along the marble floor towards me and stops right beside me. There is a brief shift in movement before a hot wet towel rests on my forehead.

"All better Jack?"

Just as I am about to respond back sarcastically, it dawns on me that I actually do feel better. My vision has cleared and focused considerably. The world is no longer spinning and I can feel my legs again. However I still do feel a little shaky and disconnected because of all the throwing up I just did. But there is no denying the fact that  I do actually feel more sober.

I nod my head but moan out again when my stomach rolls once more.

Kat rubs my back and sides while I continue to puke away in her toilet, something that probably cost more then my car. After another few minutes, I pull away from the toilet. She should have never seen me like this. Embarrassment and shame causes my face to grow really hot.  "Shit Kat, I am so sorry." I rush out as I look up into her face. Kat remains silent with a blank look for a second or two before smiling softly down at me.  She then reach forward and I am enveloped in her sweet scent as she wipes away at my mouth. "There is a new spare tooth brush in the mirror cabinet. You can use that while I get your room ready." she mummers in return.

A new tooth brush? Why does she keep spare tooth brushes? I sigh out and shake my head firmly of my thoughts. What does it matter that she keeps spare brushes at her place? Its none of my business. I think firmly while still feeling the familiar twist of jealousy in my gut. 

After cleaning up in the shower and brushing my teeth, I walk hesitantly out of the bathroom still feeling guilt clawing away at my insides. Speaking of clawing, I am met with two amused deep amber whiskey colored eyes of Raja. "I'm such a mess buddy." I whisper out and kneel down to rub the furry guy behind his ears. A grunt as if to agree comes from the small creature causing me to laugh. I swear this cat is something else.

"I guess I better go find Kat." I whisper out while pulling myself up off the floor. "There is no need to look for me Jack. Come, your room is ready." Kat voices crones out into the open space making me gasp out in surprise and face the hallway that led deeper into the modern large home. There she stood in all of her glory with her head cock to the side. The dim lights of her home catches a strange glint in her almond shaped eyes. The look...as If...No. I'm being silly. But as I stand stock still in the middle of this beautiful woman's home,  I am abruptly reminded yet again of the lioness that I keep dreaming of. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable under her predator like gaze, I shift from one foot to the other. Not sure if I should run or follow her.

Wait..why am I suddenly sc_

"Are you afraid of me Jack?" My mouth waters along with my eyes and I shift away from her. Her voice...is it deeper?...no I'm just fucked up. I have to be still_

All doubt flies out of my consciousness when she crosses the short space between us. Her petite curvy frame is small in comparison to me. But there is no doubt in my mind in this moment that she could really do some damage despite it all. A well groomed eyebrow is raised as she continues to obviously wait for my response. And like every other time, I blurt out just what I shouldn't.

"Yes. Damn I didn't mean that. What I meant was...I must be still fucked up. But you just reminded me of something. Or...Kat?" I blubber on fully aware that I am not making any sense, feeling suddenly an overwhelming amount of suffocating fear build in my chest. Her pearly white teeth bite down on her bottom lip as a half smile comes across her face. A quick peek at her rather sharp canines startles me.

"Good." was the only response she says before a quick swipe of her tongue across her lips.

My brows crinkle in confusion. Good?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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