1. Kat

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I sit back in the chair and try to relax and give myself time to enjoy the good soulful Jazz music being wafted out through the smoky jazz club. It's been a long stressful day at the clinic today.

The place is pretty dark and the only proper lights were the dim ones hanging above the bar and over the live band that is playing so passionately. The rest of the club was lit up in hazy purple lighting.

I didn't want to come out. After fourteen hours of back to back appointments in the Veterinary clinic as head vet on call, I am all tuckered out. Bill, my fellow business partner and best friend convinced me to come out and celebrate the end of the first month since opening our clinic. He insisted that tonight is a special occasion and we deserved a few drinks.

Even though it's a pain at times, It feels damn good to have my own clinic now. No more following silly rules that are placed by a grumpy much more experience Vet staff or trying to establish oneself as a respectable Doctor in someone else's establishment. I sigh in content as I down another glass of whiskey. As much as I grumbled and complained about coming out here. I am glad I did.

"You lost in your own thoughts again Jackie boy?" Bill shouts out over the music. I look over at my good friend. We are both still dressed in our work khakis and polo shirts having came here straight after work. Bill is about ten years my senior but he doesn't act like it in the slightest. He still has a head full of blond hair and a permanent mischievous sparkle in his brown eyes. I grin over at him and shake my head.

"Thanks for convincing me to come out. It's nice." I shout back while nodding my head to the music. Bill grunts but he isn't looking at me any longer, instead he stares off after a group of college girls that walk by.

"Damn. I am liking this place more and more." The older man exclaims over his shoulder at me. I just chuckle.

Bill is also married but he makes no effort in hiding the fact that he steps outside of his marriage every now and again to me or anyone else for that matter. I never really understood why people tend to cheat. I never had considered doing such a thing. Have I met other tempting very attractive women who has made it more then clear that they were attracted to me? Yes I have. I have also met a few that I was also just as attracted to but I never allowed myself to cross that line.

Jane is good enough for me. She always was and hopefully will always remain so. I smile over at Bill in amusement as he gets up and tosses me a wink before following after the young girls.

I sigh out. Typical Bill wondering off to leave me to my own devices. I glance around under the club's purple hued lights. Some of the people were out on the dance floor while others sat at the bar or around tables nursing a drink or two.

I smile as I look over the mixed crowd. Unlike where I live in the suburbs, this place has a multitude of races. It's a refreshing break from my daily schedule. Not to say that I don't happen across someone who isn't Caucasian, it's just not too often on my side of town. I scan the entire club, which isn't that hard to do. It is a small local Jazz club, Big Ben, is the name. Big Ben isn't too popular but apparently it's gets enough business from older adults and the occasional artsy group of college kids to stay open.

My mouth drops in awe as they finally land on one lone woman. She is off in the corner sitting in a booth with her back to the wall. Through hooded eyes, she surveys her surroundings in a masculine cocky sort of way. Not masculine in looks because everything about this gorgeous creature reeks pure feminine magic. But she carries herself in a sure confident way that a male carries when he knows that he is "the shit". Not many women posses that kind of confidence and it's intriguing as hell when I do get a chance to come across such women.

Cheating with the Devil {unedited}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora