Joining them

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I sit there in complete terror not moving a inch.  The wolf  laying on me gets up and runs to the pack of wolves leaving me there with my arms up. The wolves all jump at me and attack me.

I with my strength I tried to get them off but I couldn't. The rest of the night all you could hear were my screams of pain.

I feel a searing pain go through my body which causes my eyes to jolt open.  I see five black objects around me, when my vision clears I can see they are black wolves. Instead of attacking me they nuzzle up to me and lick at my wounds.

I sit there in wonder and shock. One of the wolves has a big leaves in its mouth while another wolf has vines in its mouth. The wolf with leaves in it mouth puts them on my wounds, the wolf with vines in its mouth comes and amazingly ties them around the leaves.

I find the strength to get up I stand among the wolves thinking they must think I'm one of them, the more I think about what happened I wanna join them I fell strangely relaxed around them.

The wolves start walking altogether taking a certain path so I follow them and find my self at a cave with many other wolves. I realize I don't have any clothes on and start shivering as the cold then hits me. My long black hair a tangled mess. I see wolf pups playing in a river near the cave I walk towards the river and start splashing myself with water in order to get the dirt of me. Once I finished i turned around to see a black wolf nodding its head for me to follow it, so I did.

The wolf take me towards the cave which has many ledges with fox skin on them. He nods his head towards a ledge a little high off the ground so o climb up the cave walls to it the wolf jumps up too and lays down next to me. I realize this ledge is my room. I look at the wolf next to me and saw a long jagged scar going down his torso. I reach out and touch the scar, the wolf flinches but moves closer to me. I decided to name this wolf, I'll name it Christopher.

The Girl Raised By Wolves Where stories live. Discover now