Chapter 6

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     It wasn't long before they had a pair of very grumpy pirates, glaring at them from where they squirmed against their bonds strapping them against the trunk of a palm tree. Charlotte shivered at the prickly sensation on the nape of her neck as she felt the hate boiling in their eyes.

     "Well I feel a lot better now that that's done," Thomas remarked. "Now, darling, we must get you some sort of nourishment and a quiet place to rest. I don't like the way that cough is sounding lately," he added gently, one arm encircling her shoulders protectively. Mary smiled softly up at him, love shining in her eyes as she leaned her head against his chest.

     Charlotte couldn't help but smile. She had missed her parents more than she knew. But as she watched them together now, so full of love for each other even after all these years and all the hardships that had befallen them as of late, something else was stirred within Charlotte's heart. She longed for a love like that. A love so deep and true that it withstood whatever the winds of time brought along the way. A love that strengthened throughout the years rather than faded like the romance of a childhood sweetheart.

     "I'm afraid there's not much on hand on this small of an island, sir," Charlie was saying. "Other than the stores those two have hidden away somewhere, and most likely the majority of that is whiskey."

     "Yes, they've enjoyed a great deal of that, I'm afraid," Mary Ann replied. "We've eaten nothing but the fish they've been catching and some occasional fruit, when they can find ripe ones that haven't been devoured by hungry birds and left to rot."

     "Is there any crossing to your island other than swimming?"

     "I'm afraid not, sir." His face clouded over with concern, a frown creasing his brow as he stroked the stubble that had grown about his jaw

     "Perhaps we could construct something for Mrs. Winfield to float across on?" Thomas glanced up at Charlie thoughtfully. "I'm sure we could bring down a few trees and each trunk could be halved and strapped together in a makeshift raft. It might not keep her dry, but it would at least bypass the task of swimming across."

     "And how do you propose we cut down these trees?" Thomas inquired. Charlie's gaze fell on Charlotte, then bounced back to her father.

     "I could...acquire a hatchet or perhaps an axe, and that should do the job." Charlotte noticed her father's eyebrow raise just a hair at his choice of words.

     "Wonderful! Thank you, son. We are indebted to you for your help." Charlie froze, the words echoing in his ears. How long it had been since he had heard someone call him "son" with kindness in their voice. He blinked hurriedly, his eyes stinging with unbidden tears. Thomas frowned. "You alright there?" Charlie swallowed hard, mentally ordering himself to snap out of it.

     "Yes sir...I mean...I'm sorry, what did you say sir?" he faltered.

     "I said we'd be indebted to you for your help." Thomas smiled. "Are you sure you're alright?"

     "Yes of course, sir!" he replied, forcing a smile. "And speak nothing of it—I'm more than happy to help in any way I can!"

     "Again, thank you. Now, shall I come help you find that axe?"

     "Oh no sir!" Charlie cleared his throat, wishing he hadn't spoken quite so fast as he saw the quizzical look on Thomas's face. "I mean, your wife needs you and I can find it just as well on my own. There's no need for you to leave her side just yet, sir." What's gotten into me? I should be over this by now! It's been three years! Charlie thought, making a mental note to kick himself if he said 'sir' one more time. Snap out of it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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