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Hey and blessings to anyone who's reading this! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to check out my story. This story is very dear to my heart as I've been working on it for a long time. It's my first novel and over the years I have been writing it a little part (well...more like a big part) of my heart has been poured into it. It's not finished, and what I have posted is definitely still in the rough draft stage, so I would really love and appreciate any constructive criticism y'all might have! :D Please feel free to drop me a comment anytime if you want to talk to me about the story, tell me you liked it (or didn't like it-I won't be offended :) but I would love to know why so maybe I can fix it), or if you just want to chat about anything. :) Please don't be shy! I appreciate all of my readers more than you will ever know!! I have been so inspired to know that someone else enjoys my story and loves my characters as much as I do! If you enjoy this story and have a minute any votes are always appreciated :) Thanks again for reading! I hope you enjoy!
God bless,

*Special thanks to @Silentsparrow432 for the absolutely beautiful covers she made for me!*

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