Chapter 4

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     Uniform and uneventful, Charlotte's days began to flow together, forming weeks as they droned on until she could hardly tell one from the next in her mind. With the passing of each day, her homesick longings intensified, but she wouldn't allow herself to mope around. Instead, she found things to occupy her time, and hardly a day went by that Charlie did not join her and Faith. Sometimes they would go on long strolls along the beach or through the jungle-like growth toward the middle of the island, passing the time with small-talk, but more often than not engaging in deep conversation, whether about their hopes and dreams for the future, their faith, their struggles, or simply reflecting on life. It was during these times especially, when Charlotte couldn't shake the feeling that there were things Charlie was hiding, locked away deep within his heart. She could see it in his eyes, hear it when he talked, and feel it in the tension that gathered between them when she asked about his past.

     Other times they would explore, fish, or go for swims in the pool of water in the clearing near the center of the island, dubbed the "Pool of Heavenly Waters" by Faith. Charlie came up with a game where one of them drew a picture in the sand, and the others had to guess what it was, but there was only so many hours of this a day before it grew tiresome. Charlotte often spent hours grooming Gypsy, using soft green leaves to rub her down, and combing her mane and tail out either with her fingers or a fish skeleton Charlie had cleaned and given to her with that purpose. When the heat was especially unbearable, she would lead Gypsy to the freshwater pool, fill Charlie's turtle shell with water, and splash it over Gypsy's back, always managing to soak herself in the process.

     All in all, the time passed pleasantly, besides the haunting thoughts that tormented Charlotte day in and day out-chiefly, would she ever see her family again? Had her parents died in the shipwreck? Would her prayers ever be answered, or was she to stay here for the rest of her life, forgotten?

     It was this very thought that stole the light from her eyes that day as she strolled along the beach. Lord, have You forgotten about me? Have You not heard my cry? I don't understand! I can't feel You by my side anymore. Did You abandon me to this fate? There are so many doubts in my heart that I can't push aside. Please, if You're even listening, give me something to hold on to.

     Just then, Charlotte stopped walking as her foot bumped against something on the ground. She bent down, picking up the small, water-logged book. Frowning at it, she turned it over and gasped as she saw the front cover. "Holy Bible" it read. Tears of joy sprang to her eyes as she hugged it to her chest. Her Bible that she had rescued from the fire the night of the storm had found its way back to her! It must have been floating in the water all this time and been washed ashore by the tide.

     She had been longing for her Bible, or any Bible for that matter, ever since they were shipwrecked. There was something so comforting about searching God's Word for answers to her problems and encouragement from her Heavenly Father. Letting out a blissful sigh, she turned on her heel and took off for the trees.

     Brushing past vines, jumping over roots, and dodging palm trees, she made her way through the undergrowth in the direction of Charlie's store of supplies in hopes that he would be there. She had to show him. A moment later her squeal of fright was stifled as someone grabbed her around the waist and covered her mouth with their hand. She soon stopped squirming as she recognized Charlie's voice whispering in her ear.

     "Shhh," he warned as he released her, pressing a finger to his lips and pointing. Charlotte followed his finger to see a pirate, thwacking at a vine with a machete. She gasped, then covered her mouth as she realized what she had done.

     Weston froze in his tracks at the sound, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the undergrowth around him. Before she knew it, his eyes had locked on them, and he let out a shout as he raised his machete in the air and burst after them.

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