Chapter 1

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Gritty sand filled Charlotte Winfield's mouth as she lay face down on the ground. Rolling over on her back, Charlotte groaned at the pain that shot through her sore body. Where was she? She opened her eyes, and glanced around. Palm trees, sand, and water? That couldn't be right!

Suddenly she sat bolt upright as the memory of the night before slapped her in the face like a splash of ice cold water. Images, sounds, and emotions flashed through her mind as if she was reliving each moment...

"Checkmate!" Faith Winfield yelped for the tenth time in the last couple of hours.

"What? Not again!" Charlotte groaned. "I give up!" she sighed, throwing her hands up in disgust. Picking herself up off the ship's deck, she leaned out over the railing. The wind swept her shoulder-length auburn hair off her neck as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of salty sea air. She loved the never ending lap of the waves against the ship as it cut through the deep blue water, and the constant call of the soaring sea gulls fishing for their next meal. Soon she became aware of Faith's presence beside her.

"A penny for your thoughts." Charlotte opened her eyes and smiled at her little sister.

"I was just soaking up all the beauty out here!"

"Anything else on your mind?"

"Oh, Faith! You know me too well!" Charlotte laughed at Faith's comical look as she cocked her head. She always knew just the right thing to say.

"So?" Faith leaned against the rail next to Charlotte.

"Well, I was also thinking about Fredrick and Katherine," Charlotte began. "I wish Fredrick was here with us like old times," she sighed. "I like Katherine and wish them the best together,'s just hard to except the change. I loved the way things were." Faith nodded thoughtfully. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte studied Faith. At fifteen she looked like a princess from a fairy tale. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her in the wind, her blue eyes twinkled in the slowly fading sunshine. Charlotte envied her sometimes. Faith could seem ten times as mature as herself. But she put those thoughts behind her now and gazed out at the beauty of the pink and purple sunset spread before her.

"Girls! Suppa' is ready!" Martha, the Winfield's maid, called, bringing Charlotte out of her thoughts. She had been with them since Charlotte could remember and was more like part of the family than a servant.

"Coming!" they answered together.

"Charlotte, help me pick up the Chess game will you? It will be swept off the boat if we leave it."

"Alright. The wind does seem to be picking up a bit doesn't it?" Charlotte added.

"It'll probably pass on and be nothing. Besides, if it was anything worth taking notice of, Father would know by now," Faith concluded, with a dismissing wave of her hand. They finished stuffing the game in its box and hurried down into the cabin of the family yacht. The aroma of Martha's fish, green beans, and mashed potatoes greeted the girls as they trampled down the steps.

"Girls! Ladies never run!" Mary Ann Winfield scolded, but her eyes twinkled as she said it. The girls slowed to a proper pace, giggling.

"My, my! Those two neva' run out of energy, do they now?" Martha chuckled to herself, but Charlotte just grinned as she placed the Chess game in her hands. Martha's dark brown eyes danced as she smiled warmly right back at Charlotte, her white teeth shining against dark brown skin.

"Would you please put that away for me Aunt Martha?"

"My pleasure, Miss Charlotte!" She took the game and disappeared into the girls' room.

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