Chapter 11

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Tobias's pov

Uriah is the first to get out of his car, he looks nervous, and so I see so does everyone else once they get out of thier car. Christina's wearing normal clothes, just a pair of jeans and a top, which is unusual for her to wear right now, she would usually be wearing her 'Christmas dress' , and also would Marlene and Lauren. The guys, Uriah, Zeke, and Will would be wearing a santa hat or whatever, even makeup, if Christina forced them too, it's happened before. Lynn and Shauna always wear their regular clothes to this dinner, so their the same.

I nod towards Zeke and we all go up to her porch, I knock on the door, and about a minute later she opens it, looking suprised yet grateful

"You guys came," she says and looks at every one of us, her eyes widen at Christina, Marlene, and Lauren "why aren't you girls wearing your dresses?"

Marlene looks down and chuckles lightly, Christina shakes her head "Didn't feel like dressing up".

"I brought cake!" Lauren pipes up.

"Oh... yay! okay.and why aren't you pansycakes wearing any makeup?" Tris says and laughs, looking at Uriah, Zeke, and Will. and for some reason, we all laugh too, not a forceful laugh, but a genuine one, and it's the first real laugh we all share since Tris found out.

"Stop just standing there, come in!" we all file in, and im struck by this wonderful smell, pizza.

"Pizza!" Uriah yells, sounding like a little kid.

Tris chuckles, and I wonder, is she forgiving us? she's laughing and smiling, at us. "Yes, Pizza, I didn't have time to make anything, so I just ordered" she heads to the dinner table and we follow her. The christmas tree in her house is lit up, decorated with ornaments, and it smells a lot like christmas.


We eat pizza, discuss things, laugh, it's just like how it was before. Hard to believe since it was just a couple hours ago everyone was nervous and tense.

"Tris you got the new Xbox?" Zeke practilly yells seeing the Xbox

"Yeah, I got it from my parents for christmas"

"Can we play?!" Will has his eyes wide. Tris nods, and Uriah, Zeke, and Will run to the living room, jumping over the couch to sit right in front of it.

"We'll keep an eye on them," Lauren says and drags Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, and Christina to the living room, but not before winking at me and noddng towards Tris.

"Can we talk?" I say nervously.

Tris nods and goes up the stairs to her room, I follow her. We sit on her bed, only inches apart...

"I'm sorry about the whole dare thing," I say, she looks at me weirdly

"You told me that a thousand times Tobias, and, I forgive you, I know you don't like being called a coward, so you took it. and I know you never wanted to hurt me, I don't know why I was so mad at you, and everyone else, I know you guys are my real friends, I love you guys... and I dont think I will ever stop loving you guys, after all, we're a family right?" I nod. She forgives me, she forgives us. thank god. But her last words sting, family, but...I dont know, because, I know, i know, I have strong feelings for her, and family, just isin;t the right word for it. Yeah, we're a family, an in caring for eachother, hanging out with eachother, a family with her, me, Uriah, Zeke, Lynn, Christina, Will, Shauna, Marlene, and Lauren. But if it was only Tris and I, I dont think family is a good enough word, we're something more...

I smile and hug her. "I missed you Tris," I whisper into her hair

I can feel her smile "I missed you more"

"I highly doubt that"

she pulls back so she can look at me, and she puts her hand on my cheek. Her hand is cold, and I put mines on top of hers to warm it, but I feel a cold slip on her pointer finger, just a tiny bit. I let my eyes travel to our hands, and smile when I see the silver ring I gave her, I didn't think she would actually wear it, actually, I thought she would throw it away, even try to break it, but she didn't.

"Thank you, for the ring, by the way, I love it"

and so we stood there, staring into each others eyes like it was the only thing in the world that mattered.

It's a dare - fourtris fanfic (Divergent)Where stories live. Discover now