Chapter 3

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School went by a blur, I was zoned out, and anyone who saw me would tell you so. I wasn't paying attention, well not more than I usually do, I just couldn't get it out of my head, why did he ask me? theres two possabilities, one being he actually likes me, another being its all a dare. But why would Tobias do it if it was a dare? exactly, he wouldn't. The way he looked at me that day was different, his smile was brighter and his dark blue eyes were somehow lighter.

I didn't tell Christina about it today because I don't want her to be bummed if it is a dare. And plus, I didn't want her squeling and spreading it around the whole school.

I turned in my chair, not giving any of my attention to the homework in fron of me. My phone vibrated from the table and I grabbed it quickly.

New messge: Tobias Eaton
Carnival at 6? Not really first date material but aye

I text back almost immediately. Tobias and I always go Carnivals, every year, so this shouldn't be anything new, exept this is considered a date, as he said.

To: Toby
Yeah ok, will do

From: Tobias Eaton
i'll pick you up at 5:50 then, see ya Bea

I almost fell out of my chair. it's 5:30 right now, which means I'm left with 20 minutes to get ready. I storm out of my desk area and dive for my closet, picking out a simple dress I wore to his birthday when we were 13. I matched it up with some combat boots and made my hair into a bun.

At exactly 5:50 he knocked on my door. "Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled so they wouldn't get worried as to where I was. "I'm going out with a friend I'll be home by 11!"

When I opened the door I saw Tobias, and he smiled "hey that's the dress you wore for my 13nth birthday! You still fit it?"

"Does it look like I grew that much? And you remembered" I roll my eyes "oh and I have to be home by-"

"I heard I heard, wasn't that hard to hear when you were yelling so loud, " he cuts me off and I laugh and pinch his arm playfully he laughs and guides me to his car.


Tobias pov

The ride to the carnival was 30 minutes , it consisted of me singing and Tris telling me to shut up, and small talk. once we get inside the fair and payed for tickets we decide to go on a roller coaster first, it kind of a tradition, every year when we come here we go on the biggest rollercoasters or what looks like one.

This one is called 'Fire Ball' it's a huge loop that stays at the top for about 15 seconds. We get in and I sit next to Tris. we buckle the belt and it starts to go up super fast. when we get to the top we are hanging, and we are both screaming, from the corner of my eye I could see her, her blond hair dangling, her eyes wide but happy, and I laugh, despite my fear of heights. We go rushing down again and her scream fills my ears, and then it's done.

We get out of our seats and she straightens out her dress, and laughing "That was fun!" she says. Her hair is messed up, and the bow she put in her hair is dangling at the end of her hair, but she dosen't seem to notice.

She looks so adorable, and it's amazing she does it without trying, unlike other girls in our school. She would kill me if she ever heard me calling her beautiful.

I stifle a laugh and she looks at me confused "What?" And I let the laugh out, and she looks genuinely confused, so I laugh harder

"Y-your hair".

She takes her phone out of her bag and her eyes go wide, she stares at her reflection in the phones mirror while she fixes her hair "Can you like hurry up, Or I'll ditch you, I want cake" she shoots me a glare

"Oh please, Tobias you wouldn't ditch me if I paid you to do it" I laugh.


We go to the food tent, where I get us cake. We find place to sit on a table that's mostly empty, but then I see Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, and Zeke, and I beckon for them to come join us.

It's a dare - fourtris fanfic (Divergent)Where stories live. Discover now