Chapter 5

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Tobia's pov

It's been a week since that day, the day on the Ferris wheel when I relaized I liked my best friend, and to be honest it scared me, things could go wrong easily and our friendship could be ruined at any moment if I did something wrong or any of our group of friends decided to bring up the dare, but I liked hanging out with her, I mean, of course I liked hanging out with her before but now, it means something more to me... I just don't know what.

"God Tobias, stop staring at Tris!" Zeke yelled across the lunch table, I rolled my eyes. I was bored out of my mind, and if I had to do something it would be think.

"Then stop staring at Shauna at Math will you?" I say and he glares "oh and stop being a pansycake and ask her out already" I laugh

"I do not like Shauna" he states. The group starts laughing.

"Yeah you don't like her so you stare at her, puppy her, and practicly drool when she walks by" Will chuckles


It's already Winter and it's starting to snow, so I decide to ask Tris out on a second date to go ice skating after school, I know it's not the formal thing other girls like, but this is Tris, she's different.

"Hey Tris!" I jog over of her talking by her locker with Christina. Christina eyes me suspiciously, she, being the protective friend, dosent want me to hurt Tris, even though I've known Tris longer than she has. I'm not even planning on telling her any time soon, I'm not even gonna tell her at all, so hopefully Uriah dosent mention it.

"Hmm?" She turns around and stares at me with those big grey eyes, even without makeup she looks beautiful

"Would you uhh..." I scratch the back of my neck, something I do when I'm nervous "want to go skating after school?" I look away "like um.. a date" and finally look at her.

She smiles "of course Toby" and she hugs me.

"Aaaaawwww!" Christina squeals, forgetting her suspicious state moments ago. When I actually get a good look at her she is holding her pink studded iphone, she been taping us, and Will is standing behind her "Will, why don't you ask me on dates anymore?"

"Uhhhh..." he trails off "I uh.. umm- bye girlfriend!" he says and sprints off. Christina gasps and drops her books and binder chasing after him in her boots.


Tris has always been the better skater than me, and it's probably because of the lessons she took when she was younger.

I remember I used to watch her at her performances and practices when my father let me, those long elegant strides she took at ease. She tried to teach me when we were 13 but I ended up failing. Tris quit about a year ago because she wanted to focus on school.

"Come on Tobias! you're the one who suggested this, come on the ice already" Tris giggled

I sighed and put one foot on the ice, and the other, wobbling a little and I could hear Tris laugh from a couple feet away. She came over to me and took my arm, leading me away from the rail.

"You know, you suck at skating right?" she sighs still holding on to my arm

"Yes, you tell me that a thousand times every winter, how could I forget?" I nudged her a little and being the small person she is, fell down. I laughed.

"Help me up Tobias!" she squealed, cold by the ice

"I'm not going to pity you Beatrice," she just scowled, and I laughed again, handing her my hand.

Suddenly I'm taken down to the ice, and Tris laughs. I like it when she laughs.

Then she kisses me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. That was my second kiss, and I wasn't the one to make the move, and it makes me smile.


A/N okay chapter I guess, any ideas for the next chapter? comment them!

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