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Chapter dedication to : pavimsd and JayaLax
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She literally dragged me, as if I told her that I wouldn't come. I didn't want to ask her where because I knew she wasn't going to answer. Azeen and I were almost at the common gate to the hostel blocks. She dropped my hand, and I gave her a 'Why are we here?' look.She didn't answer me again. Okay. I got to have patience, maybe. Suddenly, a taxi came in, and Azeen jerked as though she has been waiting for it. "Finally, Azlan is here. I'm so going to kill him for asking me to run out of class", she tapped her feet, impatiently. Oh, freak! Hashra! Why the hell am I here? It's almost like a family thing and I'm the last person Hashra would want to meet. She already hates the Ex-Associative Secretary of Banglore University, I smirked to myself.

Azlan got out of the front seat. Before Azeen could snap, the back door opened. A medium height, fair girl in red dress, brown hijab and almost black leggings, with a brown handy bag, got down from the back seat. She was beautiful, like any other girl from the middle-east. She smiled wide at Azeen, whose mouth fell open. Azeen literally jumped over Hashra. I don't know for what ridiculous joy Azeen had brought me here. Azeen soon introduced me to Hashra. I could say from her face that she was not pissed off to see me there, but at the same time, she wasn't pleased, too. Azeen asked Hashra to stay with us in our room, till the internship began. That's like a week. Great. Sounds very scary, though.

Azeen had gone to help Hashra put her luggage in our room, and tell her the way to canteen. It was only Azlan and I who were alone now. He hasn't looked up to meet my eyes, even once. He was wearing a Navy-blue sweat shirt, as it is already cold here, and a black jean. He leaned against the brown brick walls, as perfect as any model. He was in deep thoughts, playing with the leaves under his shoes. He looked too hot to take my eyes off him. He suddenly looked up, as though I called his name. Shit! How stupid of me. I took my eyes off in reflex, but still, it was embarrassing. I felt bad for him. Like, I know it wasn't his fault, too. But I didn't want to mess up anything right now. I knew it was hard for him, to see me every day, and not be as close as we were. I was surprised by the fact that I became close to him in a week, at Banglore. But he was Azlan, the not-flirting, gentleman. Which girl wouldn't fall for his looks. Something made me happy about the part that he doesnt hang around with girls. Like, he talks to Suzan only because she is Azeen' friend.

Azeen ran out of the hostel block. Yes, we didn't want to miss the next class. too. Azeen had to go to the conference hall, as they had presentation. As Azlan and I were climbing up the stairs, few guys and girls came down. " Hey! You are Zoya Rahman, right?" , one of the guys asked in a very polite manner. I could tell he was British from his accent. Azlan stopped behind me." Yes, I am", I gave a flat smile. " Be in the drawing hall at 2 in the noon", he smiled, gently. I read the badge in his shirt. Linson Sam. M.Arch. Oh, he was a senior. There was only one class in the senior batch, so they had no sections. "And please inform Mr. Azlan Yousuf, too", the girl next to him spoke. The way she pronounced Yousuf, made me smile. I turned sideways, and pointed my thumb to Azlan. "Azlan Yousuf", he introduced himself. "Will be there". They smiled, and continued to move.

I couldn't control laughing to myself. "What?", he knew the reason, so he smiled," She didnt get my name. What can I possibly do?", he rolled his eyes. We were almost at the entrance of the class, but he pulled me to the side. My heart beat was idiotically fast." What are you doing?", I shrugged. "It's professor Kay's class, training hour. Kind of heard about him. We shouldn't mess with him by entering now. The next hour starts in 10 minutes. Stay here till then?", he shrugged." Okay!", I smiled. He was right. Prof Kay was cool, but hated it when someone walks in late. The next training hour was Jason's.

I was looking at Azlan's hair, the messy brown strands. I smiled. "What?", he sounded funny. I smiled wider now." I missed the old Azlan. Its so nice to hear him again", I blurted. Damn! What did I just say? He rolled his eyes." Right! You missing me is never going to happen", he acted as if he was checking if anybody was coming." Azlan, I really did miss you", my voice was serious enough for him to look back into my eyes. His eyes told me everything. The guilt, the love, the part of him which wanted us together. "I'm sorry", his eyes were filled with tears. I didn't want to hurt him with my words, anymore. Seeing him sad, seeing his eyes this moment, made me want to hug and tell him how much I loved him. We didn't realize that the bell was just right above us. We jumped back to consciousness when it rang.

Azlan and I got into the class after prof. Kay left. Zayaan gave that evil, funny smile, as if we bunked class and went on a date or something. We took our seats, and got ready for the next hour. He had informed Zayaan about he leaving to pick up Hashra. He stretched back, as I was blocking, to wave at him. Azlan folded his arms. Resting on the table, he looked at me now. I raised my eyebrows. He smiled, the smile I had missed so long. The confident, old smile." I will make sure you don't miss me again, Madame Zoya", he said, with French accent. My heart stopped, like literally stopped for a second. Damn, this guy knew what to do. I blushed. Trust me, not my fault.

I turned my gaze to the board. He kept starting, still." How long are you going to stare at me, Mr. Azlan Yousuf?", I imitated the female who pronounced his name wrong, some time back. I was still looking at the board. "Till my heart stops missing you, madam", he smiled. I punched him in his arm, playfully." Turn", I hissed, holding my blush. He obeyed. He turned to listen to Mr. Jason. I felt like I was living, once again, the life I really wanted to. These moments were special. All the anger, the pain, everything was gone. It was only him, the perfect him who I have been missing so long. He turned once to see if I was listening. I was not, but I acted like. One thing I realized in the while, Training hours are going to be tough, to concentrate, having this heart-throb beside. I was in love, once again...


Ooooo Laa Laaa!

Hashra is here, finally! Same room for a week! Definitely something fishy is up! :P And somebody is forgiving Azlan! :P

Hope You enjoyed the chapter! Send you comments down!

Do checkout my new book, "Life Stories Inside Quotations", a collections of poems and snippets.

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