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Most awaited days of the year! Yes! 'International Conference and Architecture Fest'! (ICAF) What else can be better than being the Associate chairman. Banglore School of Architecture was one of the best in India. And International conferences are the best. Man, what amount of people you meet. It's 10 in the morning and Amar is not here yet. I am damn busy. Shreya, one of the volunteers for the fest and my so called best friend, is the one helping me out in the room allotments.

The ICAF is one of the biggest events in India. Student teams from colleges and Architectural schools from all over the world take part in the fest. The fest is one week long, usually. This year it is going to be amazing because I am the Associate Chairman(AC) for my college, from 4th year. I need to do most of the arrangements, and the Chairman Amar, from final year, is nowhere to be found.

"Zoya", I heard Shreya's voice from behind, "Oliver's Architecture Academy Boys, from Dubai, have arrived at the reception. Go immediately and receive them", she sounded tense. I was frustrated. "Dude? Where is Amar?", I shrugged. "We have no time. You go now. I'll find Amar and ask him to come there as soon as possible", she patted. I quickly grabbed the pen and list from her hands and ran to the reception. My eyes searched for the guys from the middle-east. Yeah, they were there, the men in red and black.

"I am sorry for the delay", I apologized, biting my tongue, "Oliver's Academy?", I asked, raising my eyebrows in confirmation. "Yes", the guy standing in the front answered with a smile. I quickly flipped the pages, running my pen down the name list. "Azlan Yousuf?", I asked the guy who just replied, with so much confidence that it sounded like I was calling out his name. But he proved me a tube light. "Nah! Samz Masthan", he smiled once again. Damn! Why does he have to smile? Each of them looked damn good, uniquely good. One thing similar in them was, they all were fair, tall and beard men, men I would prefer, except for the beard. Lol. "Samz Masthan?", I looked back into the name list. "Okay! ", I finally found his name. "You are the Associative Chairman. Where is Mr. Azlan Yousuf?", I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Eh... He'll be joining us day after tomorrow. He has got another meet in Dubai", the guy to right of Samz spoke this time. "Eh...okay", I smiled, "Please sign in these forms...and you'll be staying in room 14, 2nd floor in this block", I signed to the block allocated for foreign students. They all signed the forms and I handed over the room key. I also gave them my number, which was instructed by out College heads, in order to help the guests. The next team I had to receive was Amanda School of Architecture, Lancaster. Oooh!

That was one tiring day. We were damn busy with the room allotments and food arrangements. It was the first day, hence all the instructions had to be given in brief. As hosts, we weren't allowed to take part. My school friend Shejoy Kapoor's team, from Delhi Central college, have also come. I did catch up with him amongst my busy schedule, to talk a few minutes about our college lives. Around 7 in the evening, the council members and volunteers were called to the administrative block for the final meeting. The inauguration is tomorrow, and we had to discuss for one last time. Amar was finally visible. He told that he was busy with the technical team. Anyways, while going through the forms he realized that only Azlan Yousuf, chairman of Oliver's Academy was missing. "Now where is Mr.Azlan Yousuf?", Amar shrugged. "He'll be coming day after tomorrow, it seems. So...", I shrugged. "That's not possible. He needs to be here tomorrow for the inauguration, otherwise Oliver's Academy are disqualified as per the rules", Amar sounded serious. He was correct. Any team without the College Chairman will be unable to take part in the fest. But Mr.Azlan was coming, anyways. Man, this job was no fun. Amar was busy with the others. I turned the paged to find this guy's personal details. 'AzlanYousuf' was his skype id, as per the student details. I grabbed my bag and ran to the Internet café. I logged into my id and made the call. The bell kept ringing and he didn't pick. DAMN!! I tried thrice more and he didn't pick the call. "Okay! I'm doing this for one more time. It's his fate", I spoke to myself. I clicked the call button and there he picks up at the first ring. "Yes?", he said. At first the video wasn't very clear, and then it turned out to be better. I could see him. Wheatish skin, little beard and spiked hair. He wore a maroon shirt and brown shades. Oh, he was driving. "Mr. Azlan Yousuf?", I asked, to confirm. "Yeah... Eh...whoever this is, can you please call me later...I'm little busy now...", he spoke in hurry. "Actually Mr.Azlan...", and I couldn't hear anything. He cut the call. Woah! So much attitude. As if I care. But I have to agree, he looks damn good. I blushed a bit. Man. I'm damn tired and need to stay alive atleast till I reach my room.

The guys from our University took up the first floor volunteers' hall, since the first floor was for girls, and this was the only chance to check out. So we girls had to take up the second floor. The Oliver's guys were two room away. I informed them about the rules and they did panic. But rules had to be followed, and I couldn't help. Then I walked to my room where others were still busy. I fell right on my bed...and there I doze.... A tired day....


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