Chapter 4: Mr M

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Chapter Four

"For the last time, will you stop such inappropriate and indecent behaviour? Are you so bent on the whole town knowing?" A muffled voice said from somewhere in the pitch black darkness that surrounded me.

It sounded as if it was coming from the surface as I waded deep underwater. This feeling was implemented when I tried to move my limbs, but they felt so very heavy and sluggish, as if I was walking against the raging current that wanted to see me pulled under.

"The town will talk no matter what I do, so I may as well live by my own rules. Something, I highly recommend you to try." A bored voice answered with a little condensation layered in the words.

I turned around, trying to figure where these muffled words, belonging to strange voices, were coming, but nothing but darkness met my searching eyes, no matter where I looked.

"For Pete's sake, it's high time you stopped your impudent ways and did your duty. You have been coddled for too long, causing you to become a spoiled child doing whatever you want with no care for the consequences." Said the first voice in rising anger.

"Do my duty and become a miserable sod like you, Clarence? No, thank you." The second voice said, humour evident in the deep tone.

The words were becoming clearer and clearer as if I had broken the surface of the water, and by the deepness in their tones, I could distinguish that both speakers were male. But who they were, was still a mystery. And where I was, an even bigger one.

"I'm warning you for the last time, if you do not take the responsibilities given to you seriously, I will be forced to intervene." The first voice said in suddenly calm tone, before a new, female voice broke in.

"Boys, you should not be fightin-"

The voices went underwater once again before being cut off completely .

Trying to figure out where exactly I was while keeping my nerves, was proving to be difficult, especially so when my ears pricked at the sound of soft sobbing coming from somewhere in the darkness. Without any warning, a scream burst out from within this dark, dark place I was in.



I awoke with a start, heart thumping wildly in my chest, like a caged bird battering against the bars, as I lay gasping, eyes searching for something familiar, but finding nothing in such an unfamiliar room.

Slowly the shock trickled away until nothing but disquiet remained, and only then did I ease myself up into a sitting position, rubbing my temple as I tried to make heads or tails out of the dream but it was like hitting a brick wall. Nothing at all made sense; not the voices, not the words, nothing. Which had me wondering if it was just a random dream that meant nothing at all and I was just adding more questions to my already overflowing box full of them.

With a quick glance at my partially dark room; the only source of light coming from the cold rays of light from the moon, through the window- I knew I was truly alone.

I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding, before plumping up my pillows, trying to make them more comfortable to rest my head on. I was just about to lay back down again, and try to go back to sleep, trying to forget the bizarre, when my stomach suddenly let out a small growl. Normally I would have ignored it in the favour of sleep, but I already found myself throwing off the covers and getting out of bed, braving the cold the old plumbing system could never truly get rid of. I normally didn't stress eat, but this whole supernatural business was quickly becoming more and more troublesome.

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