Alcoholics Anonymous Might Suit You Better

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To whomsoever it may concern,

My grandmother, when I was little, had always said that if I ever did commit a sin, I'd go straight to hell. I didn't know at that time that she was talking about working in your company.

Of course, the only deadly sin I've ever committed in my life, till now, was joining your company in the first place.

The company's professional ethics suck, and the superiors are all psychotic. The logo doesn't even make sense.

This is a really cheap company, and I fear that I work here a second more, I'd probably lose my common sense.

So I quit, right now.



With such an awesome resignation letter, I quit my job. I didn't even bother to type it on a computer and print it out, I just photocopied the handwritten one I'd written on the spot and distributed it to the Human Resources.

It was a rather impulsive decision. But I didn't regret it at all. At least, it hadn't still sunk in. I was still basking in the glory of my action. I looked around at the other people looked at me longingly, who were slightly jealous that I had guts to do it, and they didn't.

I'd always hated that company. Everyone was crude, and the company provided a fake image of 'caring for the people, the environment, and society'. Whatever, I could overlook that. The nail on the coffin was that the team leader had the guts to steal my test case programs and give it to her boyfriend. Couldn't she have just asked? When confronted, she'd shrugged, and had the audacity to say that, that was how life worked.

"Hmm. Too bad your boyfriend doesn't." I'd returned.

She'd immediately gone into rant mode and said I was incompetent and heartless, and that I couldn't even help others, right in front of everyone in a fake loud voice. And everyone agreed with her, since she was the chairman's daughter.

Immediately, I'd lost my patience and I'd strode towards my desk and began writing my resignation letter. And that is the story of how my masterpiece-awesome resignation letter came to be.

I clutched the cardboard box, containing my cactus plant I'd placed on my desk and certain files and folders related to my programs, tightly. And since I was a petty person, I stole a large number of white papers and pens during the final goodbye to the company.

There was no turning back now.

It was already dusk, and I made my way carefully towards my apartment complex. I loved living alone. It gave me a sense of freedom unparalleled to nothing else. My parents lived with my sister and helped her take care of her kids. My brother -in- law worked in the merchant navy and came home only once every eight months or so, and my sister begged my parents to live with her. She'd invited me too. I'd actually lived there for a very short while, only for a day or two, and my laptop was broken, my novels torn to pieces and my favourite t-shirt scribbled upon with house paint. Those brats.

Living alone was the best thing ever. Now that I was now jobless, I'd now do things I couldn't do before, like learn how to drive, go to the gym and lose weight and watch movies all night. Like girls' sleepover party every day, but alone.

Climbing up the stairs frantically, I was finally relieved to be in the corridor of my wonderful home, and exhaled deeply. I took another step and stumbled in shock.

There was a guy lying on the floor, in front of the door of my house! This was so scary!

I approached him slowly, and called out to him. "Oi, you. Hey, hey , you there. Oi. This is my house.I'll complain-"

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