Chapter Three

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                                     Chapter Three

   ~~~~~ Adriana + Amy - All the Things She Does ~~~~~

6 months ago

     "When are we going to talk about what happened." The question was asked but Adriana barely even heard it. She was distracted by the way the young girl's lips moved to form each individual syllable. She was distracted by the way the girl's hands were shaking as she spoke. She was distracted by the way her chest moved up and down and up again.

Adriana started to grin as "Your Sex Is On Fire" by The Kings of Leon started to play on the radio. Adriana was not aware that she did so, but found that she could not find a way to stop herself from doing so. She grinned even harder when she focused more on the girl's chest. The nurse was in pure awe. She couldn't look away. 

Adriana somehow managed to stop looking at her best friend's breasts and looked at her in the eyes where she should have been looking in the first place.

She expected Amy to comment on either her staring or the song that was playing quite loudly but she did not. Amy didn't even notice how uncomfortable Adriana got as soon as she recognized the song. It was hard not to hear the lyrics and let her mind wonder in dangerous territories.

Amy was so weird to the head nurse now. Everything about the young nurse was new. It was as if Adriana didn't really ever noticed Amy in the past 5 years. They had spoken endlessly even found some time to hang out when they found the time, but Adriana never truly got to know the girl she had shared a bed with a couple days ago.

She knew the details. She knew the important things. The things every friend should know. She did not know however know what bra size her friend was. She didn't know how her childhood was like. She didn't even know what she looked for in men. Adriana shivered at the thought. She never actually figured that her best friend was into women. She didn't really know any of her past relationships. Adriana didn't even know if she was just another girl that was added to a long list of girls or if she was the only one on the list. The thought of being the first was very comforting and surprising. Adriana was actually wanting to be the first but hated the part of her brain that was telling her she was most likely not the first and was not going to be the last.

Adriana wanted to kiss her right then and there. The urge was so strong that it frightened her. She had avoided Amy for an entire week. The drunken state she had been in did not allow her to remember any of the nights events. She knew she had slept with the nurse; that was more than obvious. They were naked in the same bed, Adriana's bed. The bed she had shared with only one person for almost 19 years. Their clothes were everywhere. And being a nurse she checked her body parts only to find that she had indeed had sex that night.

She couldn't seem to remember if the sex had been great or horrible. She found herself wondering just that every minute of the day, but also telling herself it was for the better that she didn't remember. What if it was great? What did that mean? And what if it was horrible? What did that mean?

"Please Ade, this is driving me crazy." Amy was hugging her knees as she rocked back and forth in her chair. Her eyes were tired. Adriana noticed the bags under those big brown eyes that looked into her soul at the moment. They looked at each other for a long time.

Just as Adriana was about to say something, Amy's pager went off. Amy looked at it but her vision was blurred. she couldn't concentrate. She could barely eat like a normal human being.

"Can you come over tonight?" Adriana asked before she even thought it through. It amazed her how much she had changed in the course of one week. She was never this blunt or forward in her past relationships. She also never actually pictured herself in such situation with a friend; a much younger friend. She was never this confused.

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