First Game in Japan

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Keiko's POV:
"I'm Keiko Kagami, I'm Taiga's little sister, and I Taiga told me all about you guys and to be honest, you guys look really cool."

"Ehhhhhh?!?!?!? Kagami has a sister?!?!"

All of them stood there shocked as she smiled at them.

"It's great to meet you all!"

I cheerfully greeted as I hears particular voice from behind me.

"So you and Kagami kun are siblings?"

He asked as I turned around to see a guy with blue hair and eyes, smiled happily at him while everyone and my brother flinched by his sudden presence, I wasn't fazed at all.

"We sure are and you must be Taiga's best friend Tetsuya Kuroko right? The former phantom sixth player of the generation of Miracles?"

I asked politely as everyone around me are shocked by my awareness of Tetsuya's presence.

"Ehhhhh?!?!?!?!?!?!? You know his presence?!?!"

I then turned to them with a deadpan look.

"Yeah, he's a short guy with cotton candy colored hair. How can you guys not notice him?"

Then Tetsuya spoke to me.

"Kagami's my light, and I'm his shadow."

He said coolly as I grinned happily.

"That's great because I heard Taiga is doing great in Japan, so I want to joined as well."

I then turned to look at the guy with the black hair and bushy eyebrows who is staring at me intently.

Then I smiled warmly at him and asked.

"Let me guess, you're wondering why I came to Japan? We'll because our parents told me to live with them while their on a business trip in Chicago, so they let me live with my brother and I'm so excited and happy to see Taiga!"

I said cheerfully as I smiled happily, he smiled warmly at me while the others are shocked again.

"Ehhhh?!?!? You can understand him?!?"

"Umm yeah, he's been staring at me this whole time. Anyway I'm Keiko, what's yours?"

Then the guy with the brown hair and a mouth that shapes like a cat came and introduced him for him.

"He's Rinnosuke Mitobe, he doesn't really talk much but he's also a good guy to get to know with. And I'm his best friend, Shinji Koganei, but you can call me Koga for short."

I grin at him.

"Koga it is then."

Then the guy with glasses is the next one to be introduced.

"I'm Junpei Hyuga and I'm the captain of the Seirin basketball team. It's great meeting you Keiko."

Then the girl with brown hair stepped in and introduced herself.

"I'm Riko Aida and I'm the Seirin team's coach. It's so great to meet you Keiko."

Then all of the team gathered around with a big smile and said.


I grin as I happily stated.

"Well since all of you guys are here, how about a game of basketball?"

"Eh? Right now?"

Riko asked as I nodded my head.

"Yeah I mean come on, I was so bored back in the airplane so why not a game of basketball?"

Then Taiga came up to me and ruffled my hair smiling confidently.

"Then let's play a game of basketball right now!"

Then Tetsuya came and smiled warmly.

"I don't mind playing."

I then smiled happily as I shouted cheerfully.

"Alright let's play!"

Later at the basketball court

While the Seirin team are playing against Kagami, Kuroko, and Keiko, the Seirin team are completely shocked by Keiko's abilities when she dodges all of the teams attacks as Kuroko passes the ball to her, she immediately jumped over the team and slammed the ball into the hoop.

Keiko's POV:
After me, Kuroko, and Taiga won again, I ran up to them where we gave each other high fives as all of the team stood there shocked by my skills, all of them gathered around and admired me.

"Wow Keiko, I didn't expect you to be that great!"

Riko said as Hyuga lightly slapped me on the back.

"Well that's Kagami's younger sister and I have to say, you're just as passionate for basketball like Kagami is."

"Hehe, what can I say I'm just that good."

Then all of us are laughing happily together where I'm so happy to play with my brother and the Seirin team. All of them are so cool!

After the game we headed back home as the Seirin team went our separate ways, Taiga and I were walking happily chat about the game today.

"That was a lot fun wasn't it?"

"Hell ya! I haven't been playing basketball with you for a long time!"

"Like the good old days."

We both laughed happily as Taiga realized about Kuroko.

"Hey where's Kuro-"

"I'm right here."

He said emotionlessly as Taiga flinched by Kuroko's presence, while I stood there unfazed by his sudden presence.

"Hey Kuroko, so how do like our game today?"

"It was fun, that's all."

I then grinned happily at him.

"That's great because I can't wait for tomorrow!"


Taiga tilts his head.

"Yeah, didn't I told ya yesterday? I'm to your school Taiga!"


Kagami's Sister: Kuroko no Basket Fanfic[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now