Chapter 100

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Mia slid on top of Ellie. She slid herself, and slid her knee too, pressing her leg up between Ellie’s. She kissed Ellie gently, teasing with her mouth. Kissing Ellie softly, kissing the taste of herself from Ellie’s lips.

Ellie found that oddly reassuring, since she been doing it most times they had sex. She’d worried a little, wondering if it was normal. It must be, Ellie decided. It had to be, if Mia was doing it too.

Mia kept kissing Ellie, teasing with her mouth and hands, stroking Ellie, touching Ellie, making promises in the way she kissed. She took one of Ellie’s hands, and kissed each of Ellie’s fingers. She sucked on Ellie’s fingers, and Ellie shivered, because in a weird, disconnected way, it felt surprisingly good.

It felt good, but Ellie was a little worried. She still wasn’t completely sure why Mia had wanted her to stop. Probably, Ellie thought, it was simply what Mia had said, that Mia had wanted to go down on Ellie, and let Ellie have a turn feeling good. One or the other, and nothing more complicated than that, but Ellie was worried all the same. She couldn’t help wondering if she’d done something wrong, if she hadn’t been any good, and Mia had needed a break from her. Ellie wanted to ask, but couldn’t. If that was why, she didn’t want to know. She lay there distracted, trying not to think, trying to make herself stop worrying, and concentrate on Mia.

Mia didn’t seem to have noticed how distracted Ellie was. She just kept kissing. She kissed Ellie’s neck, and then her ear, and then she slowly licked Ellie’s neck.

It was the perfect thing to do.

Mia licked, and suddenly Ellie couldn’t think. She couldn’t think about a thing except Mia’s mouth. Mia’s tongue was like shivers and fire seeping along Ellie’s skin, both at once and wonderfully twisted together. Ellie felt the hot dampness of Mia’s breath, and the teasing tickle of Mia’s hair, and soft lips and a wet promise from Mia’s tongue, and pleasure, just desperate pleasure, and suddenly didn’t care any more. Ellie didn’t care about whatever she’d been worried about, not if Mia was going to do that to her.

Not while Mia kissed her. Not while she felt Mia’s mouth on her skin. Not if Mia was going to down on her, then Ellie didn’t care a bit.

It was a little selfish, Ellie thought, suddenly not to be concerned if she’d been any good. It was selfish, but she simply didn’t care. Not while Mia’s tongue was sliding down her neck, and collarbone, and onto her breast.

She didn’t care about anything but that.

Mia licked, and Ellie sighed, and tipped her head so Mia could reach.

Mia stopped, and waited, and then licked again.

Mia was teasing, Ellie realized. Kissing Ellie the way Ellie had kissed her. Kissing slowly, her mouth a feathery hot teasing, a pleasure too much to stand. It was almost-pain, like sex and need and desperation all tangled up together. Mia’s slow kisses, her careful, deliberate pause between each one, made everything achingly intense. Each touch of Mia’s lips made Ellie shiver with pleasure, and the wait for the next kiss made Ellie slowly tense up. As if the skin where each kiss landed had sighed with relief, and released some whisper of joy, but then the rest of Ellie, also aching to be kissed, began to squeeze and clench and tighten up, all nervous, waiting. It was wonderful. It was terrible. It was the sexiest, cruellest, most teasing thing that had ever been done to Ellie.

They had hardly started and already Ellie was desperate.

Ellie had to wait. There wasn’t anything else to do.

Mia was taking her time with Ellie’s neck. She was taking more care, licking precisely, sucking and kissing Ellie’s skin as if it was Ellie’s mouth. Ellie could feel Mia’s lips gliding, her tongue licking, and every so often a sucking too. Mia might be making love-bites again, Ellie thought, but didn’t really care. She didn’t mind at all. She sighed and held onto Mia and wondered if she could come, just from this. She knew she wouldn’t, that it wasn’t possible, except that it almost seemed like she might, because Mia’s mouth felt so desperately intense.

Ellie wanted more. She needed to be touched on more than her neck.

Mia’s leg was still between Ellie’s, pressing down, but motionless. As if Mia had forgotten it, while concentrating on Ellie’s neck. It seemed a waste, Ellie thought, to be touched, but not touched properly. To be pressed onto, without actual movement. Ellie wanted Mia to move. She wanted to move herself, or be moved against. She wanted anything, really. She didn’t care what.

Ellie tried to lift herself a little, pushing her hips upwards, trying to find Mia, and fuck and slide on her own. Tying to start without Mia, which probably wasn’t polite.

Mia noticed, and shifted her hips away, and Ellie lay there a moment, startled.

She didn’t know quite what to do. Mia had never actually refused her before, not quite so obviously, and not when Ellie wanted her so badly.

Ellie was shocked.

Mia was teasing, like Ellie had been teasing, but somehow it didn’t seem nearly as fun any more. It didn’t seem fair. It seemed almost cruel.

Ellie didn’t know what to do.

Ellie couldn’t think. Her pussy hurt from not being touched, and that was made worse because of the motionless pressure of Mia’s leg. That whisper of contact, the heat from Mia’s skin without rubbing or friction, that was almost unbearable. It was like a tickle that wasn’t quite there, a sneeze about to happen, an anticipated touch that never came. Ellie couldn’t stand it, but she didn’t know what to do.

She was suddenly quite desperate.

She moved her hand. She crept it down her tummy, almost without realizing she was. She wasn’t thinking any more. She was feeling Mia mouth, and Mia’s hands, and her own sharp need, and she suddenly cared about very little else beyond those things. Not politeness or embarrassment or spoiling Mia’s game. She was going to start without Mia, and was going to make herself come, and she didn’t care at all because Mia had made her do it. Mia had made her do it by not hurrying up.

Ellie’s hand crept. It slid, teasing, over her tummy. It slid cleverly between her legs. She was anticipating her own touch, and that was turning her on as much as Mia was turning her on, and Ellie didn’t quite know why.

She didn’t care. Someone was going to touch her clit, even if it was her.

She slid her hand, secretly, while Mia kept licking her neck. She slid her hand, and shifted her leg sideways, and lifted up her hips. She reached right down between their bodies, reached, but wasn’t quite careful enough.

Her fingers bumped against Mia.

Mia looked down, and grinned, and grabbed Ellie’s hand. Mia grabbed, and twisted her fingers among Ellie’s, and pressed Ellie’s hand flat onto the bed.

Mia looked at Ellie, and laughed a little and just said, “No.”

Ellie was desperate. She glared at Mia, and reached for herself with her other hand.

Mia grabbed that too.

Mia held Ellie down, onto the bed, and licked her neck again, and Ellie couldn’t stand it, and had to stand it, and didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t sure if she should struggle, and fight her way free, or let Mia hold her, or simply beg Mia to start.

She had no idea, so she lay where she was, breathing fast, and waited to see what Mia did next.

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