Chapter 37

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Ellie kissed Mia. She kissed her for a long, long time.

Ellie was tipsy. She felt floaty as they kissed, the very beginnings of drunk. She’d had half a glass of vodka and she wasn’t used to spirits, not like Mia apparently was. Ellie hadn’t realized Mia drank anything other than beer and wine, but apparently she did, and apparently it had been a good idea for Ellie to as well, tonight. Tipsy calmed Ellie down a little, and stopped her worrying.

Mia’s kisses calmed her down too.

As soon as they were kissing, all of Ellie’s worries slipped away.

Ellie kissed Mia and forgot everything she’d been anxious about. She wanted Mia desperately, suddenly, all at once, like she did every time they kissed. Mia’s mouth made Ellie wet for her, and Mia’s kisses made Ellie ache for her, and Ellie could barely think about anything beyond the feeling of Mia’s lips. She wanted Mia, and she wanted this, and kissing Mia made that all that completely clear to her.

Mia was still on the edge of the bed, and Ellie was on the wooden desk chair, leaning forward to kiss. Ellie’s back began to hurt. She stood it as long as she could, then sat up, and said, “Sorry, my back,” and tried to stretch a little so it didn’t ache.

“It’s fine,” Mia said.

“I’m sorry to stop.”

“I don’t mind.”

Ellie was confused for a moment, then realized. “No,” she said. “Not like I think I upset you by stopping, I mean I don’t want to stop.”

Mia started to grin. “Yeah?” she said.

Ellie nodded.

Mia kept looking at Ellie, and Ellie decided she’d stretched enough. She waited a moment, but Mia didn’t kiss her again, and now they weren’t kissing, Ellie suddenly felt nervous.

She looked around for her drink.

It was on the bedside table. Some time during the kissing, Mia must have put it there.

“Could you pass that?” Ellie said, and pointed.

Mia reached over, and got it, and gave it back to Ellie. And Ellie sipped slowly, and tried to feel less nervous.

Mia kept watching her, which didn’t really help.

“Come and sit over here,” Mia said after a moment, meaning the bed. “It’ll be easier on your back.”

Ellie shook her head, and sat where she was, but then almost immediately changed her mind and did.

She sat next to Mia, and Mia took her hand and held it, and even that was enough to calm Ellie down.

Ellie looked at Mia. She didn’t touch Mia, other than their hands, didn’t lean towards Mia, she just looked, and tried to think. She felt calmer now, after the vodka and holding Mia’s hand, and was looking forward to this again. She was almost a little curious about herself, wondering why she wanted this so much, and how intensely she did. She didn’t quite understand it all being there inside her. It never had before, and now it suddenly was. Obviously it must be Mia causing it, or Ellie would have noticed sooner, but that still didn’t really explain why.

Ellie kept looking at Mia, thinking, and Mia kept looking back. Mia must have misunderstood Ellie’s expression, because she suddenly said, “It’s okay.”

“I know,” Ellie said, then, “What is?”

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Mia said. “I promise. We don’t even have to kiss any more.”

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