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It's been a year since Chiyo had the sleepover, and since then Danzo and Hiruzen have been going out. Their relationship has been sweet and so far perfect. Danzo was always trying to make Hiruzen happy, and he managed to do a pretty good job. In fact they were so happy that they bought an apartment together.

But...lately Hiruzen has been feeling lonely. Danzo suddenly wasn't around anymore. He always went out during the day time, and only ever came home at night, sometimes early in the morning. Hiruzen would stay up all night worrying.

But Hiruzen, being the good boyfriend he was, never questioned Danzo's whereabouts, and never complained about feeling lonely. Even though he hated always being alone, he didn't want to anger Danzo, or make him feel bad. So Hiruzen always stayed quiet.
Until one night when Danzo came home after a long night, drunk and ready to pass out. Hiruzen looked up at Danzo.

"Danzo! Where have you been? !" Hiruzen shouted, getting up from the couch. Danzo rubbed his head and mumbled something under his breath, shuffling towards the bedroom. Hiruzen grabbed his wrist. Danzo whirled around.

"Get off my back! I was just with Kakuzu and Tazuna. " He said, turning and beginning to walk away. Hiruzen grabbed his arm again. He knew that Kakuzu was a member of a gang called the Akatsuki, and he hated that Danzo always hung out with him.

Danzo turned back again, anger in his glassy eyes. Hiruzen swallowed the lump in his throat. "But why are you drunk?" Hiruzen whispered in a shaky voice.

Danzo sighed angrily. "We went to a bar to have some fun! I've been under a lot of stress lately trying to manage the Foundation! Why can't you just leave me alone for once instead of always being on my case?"

Hiruzen froze, hands clenched into fists. He closed his eyes tightly and let a few tears fall. He hated the way Danzo was talking to him, and Hiruzen wanted to shout at Danzo, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead, Hiruzen took a steady breath to calm himself. "I understand that you are stressed out, but do you have to go and get drunk? Do you have to always be with that gangster, Kakuzu?"

Danzo scoffed. "You don't know anything about Kakuzu! I'd much rather be around him than you, right now - "

Slap. Danzo stared in shock, as Hiruzen retreated his hand. More tears fell as Hiruzen watched Danzo's face become red from the slap. "If you love Kakuzu so much, then maybe you should ask him to move in with you instead. It's clear you don't want me around anymore." Hiruzen turned away, holding his hands to his chest.

Danzo's face softened, and his anger left immediately as he watched Hiruzen cry. His heart sunk with guilt, because he knew the reason Hiruzen was so upset was because of him. Danzo knew that he hasn't been around lately, but he had a good reason. Hiruzen had every right to be mad at him.

Danzo reached out a hand to Hiruzen, but as soon as his fingers made contact with Hiruzen's shoulder, Hiruzen jerked away. Danzo looked down in shame. "I'm sorry. I don't love Kakuzu. I only love you, Hiruzen."

Hiruzen looked at Danzo, sniffling. "Then how come you're never around?" He asked quietly.

Danzo stared at the floor. "I really have been busy with the Foundation. But I've also needed a favor from Kakuzu, so I've been helping him with some stuff." Danzo noticed Hiruzen's face change slightly when he mentioned Kakuzu. Danzo gently tilted Hiruzen's chin up, so that their eyes connected. "I'm sorry that I'm never home, but I promise that no matter what I love you."

Hiruzen looked at Danzo, sighing. "I love you too." Suddenly, he moved forward, hugging Danzo to him. "I'm sorry."

Danzo wrapped his arms around Hiruzen, holding him close as if at any moment he would slip away. He tenderly kissed the bald spot on Hiruzen's head.

Danzo and HiruzenWhere stories live. Discover now