Chapter: 29

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Twitter: @liahfotcb_dream

Chapter 29: Graduation, and An Unexpected Event

You know when your whole entire mind is filled with a whole jumble of different types of emotions and feelings? Ya, well that's exactly how I'm feeling right now. My mind, and senses have been on high alert since I discovered that threatening note from Chris on it's Wednesday. My mind repetitively repeats what the words said in the letter, and I am constantly checking all around me for any signs of him. After I read the note over and over again, it didn't fully process that Chris is basically stalking me, and when it did, I didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night.

On Sunday morning, Colton immediately knew something was wrong, I mean, you could just tell I got absolutely zilch sleep just by looking at the bags under my eyes, so when he asked me what was the matter, I just told him I had a bad nightmare about my parents, but in all honesty, I'm pretty positive he didn't believe me, because if I really did have a bad dream, I would've gone strait to Colton's room, but he let it go.

As of right now, I've been cooped up all day since I got home from school in my room, doing the rest of my homework. I'm actually done, I just did not want to be around anyone right now, I needed to think. I had to think everything over. I know what your thinking,

'why don't you just tell Colton about the threat note.'

Well, because that will literally be the death of Chris, and as much as I am very much afraid of him, I don't think death is the right answer, and if Colton knows about the note, then that means Jacklen will have to get involved, and if Jacklen gets involved, then she will go crazy, and I just can't put that kind of pressure on her, she's already taken me in, I think that's enough.

To top all of those worries, I also have graduation to think about, the last week of school is suppose to be stress free, but I've been trying my complete hardest to avoid a lurking Chris, yet, I still feel like no matter where I am, I just have that weird feeling where someone is around you, you know?

Anyways, I was on my laptop, just doing random stuff, when I realized that I must be just totally overreacting about the whole 'Chris situation,' I mean, come on now, there is no way that Chris would go through with what he threatened, he probably just wanted to get to my head. I internally laughed at how stupid, and dramatic I was being, I mean seriously, how could I really think Chris would even go through with something like that? He's just a teenage guy who is maybe a little upset at me, and he wanted a little revenge right? Haha! Yes, now I feel so so so much better!

I smiled silently to myself, content with the way I settled my own problem.



"We are all here today, friends, and family, to celebrate this amazing moment of freedom for these young adults who have all grown over their years of high school. These students have been through thick and thin, and finally, this is their chance to be recognized. Now, without further adieu, lets beging. Abigail Atkin, Daniel Agular..."

I dozed off once the head principle began announcing students names. My last name Is literally right after Colton's, so for once, luck was on my side, and I get to sit right next to Colton, which I am very happy about. I'm actually quite nervous because I stupidly chose to wear black, high pumps under my graduation gown, and my biggest fear so far, is tripping on the way up the stairs to receive my graduation scroll.

Colton and I are sitting shoulder to shoulder with our hands intertwined comfortably. I watched some more as students walked gracefully up the stage, and down the other set of stairs, officially free from high school.

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