Fly Out Of My Head

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After dinner, Peter and I took a walk. Turns out he already asked Gwen and Bren to pick up his car. Not that they had to go far, he’d gotten the ticket a few miles from his house.

“I want to hear you play.”

“Peter…it’s not that big of a deal.”

“You’ve seen me play. You’ve been to my practices…” He glanced over at me. “Been to…my games.”

I laughed. “Yeah. Only the first one counts. I don’t even like thinking about the second one.”


“Don’t apologize again. I know you’re sorry. So let’s just…forget about it.”

“It’s kind of hard to forget.”

“Well, if you need help with that, there’s this potion I can make…”

“That’s not what I meant.”

I stopped walking and looked at him. “I know what you meant. Unfortunately we can’t go back or forget. We just have to deal with it, move on.”


“What are you dressing up as for Halloween?”

“I haven’t really thought of it. Why?”

“Because I told Drake I wasn’t going anywhere until Saturday. I’m trying to limit the amount of time I have to spend with him so I told him I had plans.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “Do you have plans?”

“That depends. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Well, don’t do witch. It’s too…obvious.”

“It’s what I am. On Halloween you’re supposed to dress up as something that you’re not.”

“So dead football player would be off the market for you?”

He smirked and nodded. “My mother dressed me up as that when I was six. I don’t know what possessed her to dress me up as a road kill jock.” He chuckled. “I had nightmares for weeks.”


“Because she went full out. Did the make up, the clothes…I got a look at myself in a mirror and flipped out. I was a teenage mutant ninja turtle the next year. It was safer.”

“What is a teenage mutant…”

“Cartoon TV show.”

“Oh. You Americans watch too much TV.”

“You’re half American you know.”

“Yes but when I was a kid, I didn’t really watch TV. I was outside most of the time or helping my mother.”

“Which is how you got so good at the magic stuff.”

I nodded. “She didn’t like me to be idle. I got in trouble if I was.”

“Is that how you learned…”

“Learned what?”

“How to treat magical addiction?”

I shook my head. “Every time one of those showed up, she sent me to a babysitter. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that she let me stay for that. The girl she was treating called me a—” my cheeks flushed when I thought about it “—well it was colorful.”

“Did she survive?”

I nodded. “Took her less time then Bren but she was back on my mother’s door step six months later. Some you can’t cure.”

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