7 - A Peck on the Lips

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I spun towards Cassie, and grabbed her dress. Gently, not to hurt her, I pulled her face down to mine. I brushed my lips up against hers, and stepped back a moment. She straightened, glowering.

I shrank under her gaze, had I done something wrong? "Did you think you could just do that and get away with it?" she seemed angry.

I stepped back, into the tree, muttering I'm sorry, slipping down the side. I landed on my knees in the grass, eyes downcast. I felt her fall heavily into the grass beside me. She grabbed my shirt, and yanked me toward her. I'm not sure what happened, but I was suddenly in her lap. Her hands had moved from my shirt to just behind my ears. She was staring intently into my eyes. Her hands pulled my face to hers, and she pressed our lips together. Se kissed me, long and hard. We moved against each other, and yet, with each other. Her lips moved, shifting mine against them.

We finally pulled apart, gasping for breath. That feeling was back. The one I'd felt in my dream, blossoming in my chest, and spreading out to all my limbs. I felt as though I could fly away. Drunk on the feeling, I threw her softly into the grass, straddling her midsection. My arms supported me on either side of her head. I leaned down, and kissed her again.

Cassie, I thought, my Cassie.

Our arms wrapped around each other, there seemed to be no end to our joy. Kissing and laying together in the morning frost and dew, I couldn't think of a better way to start any day. I lay there with her, hugging her, and wishing that the moment would never end.

Of course, it did.

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