4 - Doubt

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My eyes sprung open. Dream. It was all a dream. Wow. That was the strangest dream I'd ever had. Then again, it was also the nicest. Not wanting to forget a moment of it, I scrambled for a pen and paper. I scribbled down everything I could remember, which was quite a lot, surprisingly. I was actually quite proud of myself for remembering so much. Still, there was no way any of that could ever happen.

Groaning, I stretched. At the front of my closet was the outfit I'd worn in my dream. Strange. Long, cream pants with the slightest reddish tint. Openly swishing, it almost looked like a long skirt. The shirt was a light green color, almost the color of fresh water. The sleeves were elbow-length, holding the seam until just above, when it split. The sleeve was open, allowing it to fall low, down to my hip if I held my arms at my sides. Small ruffles accented around the base of the shirt, which ended about mid-thigh. The head opening was wide, about halfway to my collar-bone if it was centered right.

Shrugging, I grabbed it off the rack, and hurried to finish getting ready. I drove again, getting to school about ten minutes before the first bell. Some people looked at me, though I couldn't make out what they were thinking.

Reaching my locker, I got the feeling I was being watched. I tried to ignore it, brush it off as though it were nothing, but it didn't go away. I stood, my arms leaden with my binders again. I swung around, trying to figure out who it was watching me. I almost missed her, hiding in the back, behind so many other people.

Cassie wore a long dress, colors blending into each other, like a sunset Her hair was twisted into ropes, then braided, which she managed to pull off somehow.

We stared at each other, and she looked away first. A soft smile.

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