Chapter 11- 1..2..3..

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~ Hello! I would like everyone to go and read the other POV of this story, by @moolock. It is called Herobrine's Champion. Please read both stories and follow us both plus @outkookdrive who started it all... Enjoy the chapter... -LOOK

Chapter 11- 1...2..3..

"Not True. He told me he misses you. He wanted you to join us. He is up in his room right now, crying because you have left him. I'm sorry Amber."

And Lily walked away.
I paced back and forth in my prison cell. "He actually misses me? But, all of those times he's made fun of me or anything like that." I sat on the stone brick bench. My head was pounding, from that Blackhole we went through.
"Wait..." I whispered.. "Where's Ashley?!" Walking up to the cell door, I started thinking of strategies on how to get out of this place. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled. I even tried to fit my hand through the windows of the Iron door, to reach the lever, but failed.

I suddenly heard a noise. I stopped. it was two people, talking to eachother.

"What should we do with her?, you know, the Girl named Ashley." One voice said. Tears came to my eyes. What will they do with her? I have to listen on..

"I don't know yet, her sister is already locked up. Should we kill her?" My heart sank, lower, and lower, and lower. I clenched my fists. "NO! YOU DO NOTHING TO HER!" I blurted out completley. The two people -I have no idea you they are- looked at me in disgust, probably that , I was listening to their conversation.

One yelled, "HEROBRINE! COME HERE MASTER." My eyes widened. Herobrine suddenly appeared in front of my cell. I slowly back up. Just a bit. "What is wrong my little prisoner?" He said to me. "Don't you ever think about killing my sister, monster." I spoke like I was in a trance. "Oh? Killing your sister? Ha. Never would I have thought to kill her. But thankyou for putting that idea into my head. She shall die a horrible death, 9:00 in the morning, sharp. Thankyou again for the Idea. Ta-Ta." And he left.

I started to cry, walked over to a wall and slid down it. Suddunly I felt the picture of Nya and I in my pocket, and I slowly took out. I leaned on the wall my head in my knees, crying over the picture.


Something happened. Blueish particles were coming out of me. I looked up and eyed the toilet that was about 3 blocks next to me. The water in side of it was rumbling, pretty disgusting. Thinking nothing of it, I turned back to the Ashley problem. I need to get out of here. I need to get out now... I can't sleep, I'll wake up at noon. Way after my sister's execution.

"Lily." I whispered. Oh wait. She's at school. I thought and thought and tried everything I could but nothing worked.

I started to drift off to sleep. Slapping myself in my dream to wake up. No Amber, don't fall asleep. You have to save your sister...somehow.

I stood up. And walked over to the Iron door. The toilet was bubbling again. I squenched* my hand. It bubbled faster. I immediately let go, terrified. Wait... Could I have- No. Only Herobrine's Wielders have those. I am NOT one of his Wielders.

Moving along. I scratched at the Iron doors for what seemed like hours, but probably minutes. I grabbed my clock from one of my pockets, to see it was almost sun up. What?! It had been that long?! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!

"Help! Help!" I caught the attention of one person, who just kept on walking by.
It was 8:55 am by the time some one actually came up to me. Or should I say Appeared? Anyways, Herobrine stood before me to take me to the Execution dome by dragging me by my hair. "Ow! Watch it" I kept yelling.

The Execution dome was big, round at the top, your everyday dome. There were several things in the middle of it. Some, Too excruciating to describe. I gulped. Should I just make a big scene, grab Ashley and escape? Wait.. We are in the sky...right. Well, to tell you the truth, I actually have no idea where we are right now, with the exception of the "Mind Palace". Before I could think about any more Escape plans, Herobrine made an announcement to everyone in the Mind Palace.

"Today we are Executing Miss Ashley Wilmington. But for a good cause."

"Her sister here," He pointed at me next to him, "Suggested it."

The crowd was shocked. Ashley caught my eye. I quickly looked away.

"NO. I wasn't at all Suggesting it. I'm her sister for Notch's sake. Herobrine is a Killer. Not for good reasons, well heck! Not for any reasons at all!

"Herobrine is a-" I started to say. "SILENCE!!" Herobrine yelled.

I suddenly spotted 2 little water Pools next to Ashley. Probably for Drowning.

"LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!" Herobrine held is enchanted diamond sword to my sister's neck. "On the count of 3 Everybody!!" The crowd said "1!"

"NO!!!!" I held out my hand.


"STOP IT!!" I Have had enough. I raised my hands up into the air and pushed them at Herobrine and Ashley.

"3!" The crowd said. Herobrine raised his sword.........
OoOh Cliffhanger???????????
@outkookdrive who will soon be joining us!!

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