Chapter 7- Respawning and Red eyes

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Chapter 7- Re-Spawning and Red eyes

My eyes widened. "Woa, woa. Take a step back. Your meaning to tell me, that you are me?" She looked at me with an -Oops-i-shouldnt-have-said-that face.

"Well, It's kind of hard to explain. You see, Since you have a glitch, that is Heterochromia.." She started to say. I paused. "Wait. , how did you know my Heterochromia was a glitch? Only my family knows that its a glitch. Heterochromia isn't supposed to be. Only..Notch.. made the mistake." I said, shivering.

She sat there for a moment, probably thinking to herself. Then she finally spoke, "I.. just know. But anyways, Sice you have that glitch, two or more people can Spawn out of you. And I am number 1. Thats why i have that picture."

"Ok... but that still doesnt explain it fully." I said. As soon as I said that -like on cue- a lady with bright pink hair barged in. "Oh. Um, miss, TorchWood? All of the hunters have been missing in action. Can you fill in for them?"

"Daisy.. Ok. Tell them I will be out there in a sec." Lily replied back. "Excuse me, Amber. But I best go out there." And with that she left.


My palms sweating, I went back to Ashley. "You ok?" She asked. "Ya, I'm fine."

There wasnt really much to do, besides think. "Why does she look so familiar to me? How did she know my Heterochromia was a glitch? Why did that lady call her "miss" Torchwood?" There were so many questions that I had thought up.

I sat down on a wooden bench, and fell asleep. My dream was a sort of Flash back. To that gross house my mother called "Home."


Sitting back I looked out into the darkness of the soon to be night. I heard a loud Bang!! and sat up. At first, nothing was out there. But the second time, I rushed into the hallway, and leaned against the door. Failing I looked up from the floor.

There he was, Herobrine. Those white, empty eyes, staring through my skull. He had a bottle of blood red potion in his hands. Waving it around, teasing me, like i was a 1 year old dog. Then, the memories. Oh the memories. Nya and I, and that race. I saw a girl in the shadows, once Herobrine woke me up from that cloud of whiteness. I didnt think she saw me, so I payed no attention to it. Wait a second.. that's-



I awoke with Ashley poking my arm. "Wake up dork! Lily is back!" I sat up. It was sunset. I hurried out the door. There lily was, holding onto a raw piece of chicken and raw pork. She was grinning. I walked closer to her. Something was wrong. She blinked her eyes. And they were red. Just like Adam when he was with Herobrine. A knot formed in my throat.

"Whats wrong?" She asked me. "You look like you've seen herobrine!"

"I have."


OOHHH! Ill update soon. SPECIAL THANKS TO @outkookdrive for everything (Character Nya, wielders, etc.) AND @moolock for the ideas and the ending! Have you noticed? Our storys tie in together! "Coincedence?" I think not.

Squid: Ehh Not the best chapter. i bet i could write it bet-

Lily: GO HEROBRINE! Wait i mean-

Amber: WHAT

Squid: Uhhh.. Role the story!!


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