Cats around the Globe

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 An old Siamese cat named Lucky lived with his owner. He was a good cat. He ate all food he was given and was clean and tidy. However he was very spoiled.

"Stop!" he meowed. A little girl was poking his eyes. He was unused to this. His owner always attend to the most basic needs and he does the rest. Lucky always get attention whenever he want because all he have to do is go up to my assistant. The home he live in always has air conditioning or warmth.

"Pssst!" he hissed. The girl did not listen. Then, a flurry of claws came out and the girl was left with claw marks.

"Lucky cut me!" she wailed. She threw Lucky down and ran away to the owner.

"Hey Lucky!" a voice meowed out.

Lucky looked around. He only saw Kyle, the bull terrier outside chasing a ball. Then he recognized a book was next to him. Now Lucky, who normally couldn't read, could read the book.

All time stopped. He opened the book to the first page.

Dairies excerpts of cats around the world (Currently)


My name is Ainslie. I'm a mixed breed and I live out on my own. I used to have a master but she always forgot about me so she let me go out on a park. I'm living on my own now. I know that I have ancestors who hunted zebras and animals like that, but I'm a small shorthair. I'm always hungry and I never can find enough to eat. Most 'varmints' are killed and removed so I don't really have that much to eat. Thankfully, some kind people have given me some morsels and petted me. I'm also really scared because a hawk or abusive person could kidnap me and do whatever (s)he wants and not be punished.

I'm pretty much a hobo, but unlike poor people, I do not get welfare. I must rely on my instincts and all I have just to make ends meet. I almost freeze to death in the middle of an icy blizzard and nearly melts in the heat of a heatwave in my heavy fur coat. I have so many fleas and parasites. I'm constantly in pain, lots of food that I come upon is poisoned or bad. My best friend, Keila, was born from her parents not being fixed. She said that one feral/stray female cat can start a birthing chain that would result in 370,000 kittens in as little as seven years alone. There wouldn't even be enough homes to take us in even if they could. She was kidnapped a few days ago. Even though people do not think that we love, I loved Keila deeply, I am grief broken from her disappearance.

Lucky was saddened and realized that not all cat were like him. Of course, he had seen cats like Ainslie, but he never really thought of their lives. He went on to read the next excerpt.


Hey, I'm a mixed breed named Sparrow. I live in a no-kill shelter in San Antonio Texas. Though you may think that I am better off than many other cats, I am not. We are crammed in small cages and are stacked upon each other. I live in a hallway and I have to live in my excrement. It sticks to my fur and causes infections. We all are slowly dying, instead of a painless death, we die slowly and from unnatural causes. I was conceived by an accident. My parents were not fixed. I was considered a 'lucky' one. My sibling couldn't be here, there was not enough space. Our guardian instead, ran them over in his car. How could he murder kittens!?

In San Antonio, Texas—which is striving to be a "no-kill" city—the bodies of nearly 16,000 dogs and nearly 12,000 cats were scraped off the streets and properties in just one year! OMG! One animal control officer termed it "euthanasia by proxy." I am very neglected and cannot move at all. I do not get adequate nutrition and I am quite ill. It is easy to buy me from a no-kill shelter because they're desperate to release them because they're that full. That means that sadists and abusers could buy me and do whatever (s)he wants.

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