This is my life

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My heart was whipped with lashes of searing heat. My thunderstorm was unbearable. Adrenaline bursted into my heart. My best friend, Ji screams as a tornado strips of his downy coat and puts it in a basket. The fur was the only thing that protects us from the bitter cold and sleet. The tornado is the center of our storm. I can hear Ji's soul almost being torn out. When he was stripped he was thrown back at me, unable to move from shock.

I tried to hold on to his pink, raw skin and shared my fur with him. Our cage was a 2x3 ft cage. Unlike the other Angora rabbits here, I'm not kept in confinement. Another shrill shriek was up again. The tornado was mauling off another coat from a poor rabbit. Only his face, ears and chin contained the warm, white frost. He soon died of shock. His heart couldn't bear the stress anymore. He was going to be sold for his body to make soup.

My name is Mei Hwa. Right now, I'm trying to comfort Ji but I'm drunk on my own terror. I can feel 3 extra souls in my body. I wanted so desperately to keep them from this torture which they will have to endure. They will be snatched from me. It's already happened before. I looked at the yellow lights and all of the other victims. I can smell their agony and terror. Our cages, which have never been cleaned increased our discomfort. This is my story and it happened for 5 years.

I wanted to get out of this place. I heard our fur is used to make sweaters and hats. Please, if this is true, help us by never purchasing wool nor any wool products. I can't bear it anymore. I'm so hungry, and thirsty. Ji is in so much pain. What will happen to me? I don't want to be someone's meal. I want some dignity. Aren't I a living being? Why can't people know that?

Author's note: This is what life is like everyday for Angora rabbits, especially in China. For more information, go to the link listed.

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