A Turkish poem

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Out on the meadow was a turkey and sow

they went on a boat and it began to row

they went to the east and to the setting sun

a shot was rang and the sow never moved again

the turkey was then was swirled in a blunder

wether to flee from the white man's thunder

or to mourn for her for good friend's last breath

but she soon sensed her first painful death

she was thrown to the tall bearded president

but he was not in the white residence

his son took her away to make a meal

but then he remembered the cow's veal

to him he realized it may just be a delicacy

but the turkey it nothing but pure deadly

She was not well and took a fell from stress

then the son saw it was matter of life and death

he enveloped her in love and never killed her

he begged his great father to reconsider

perhaps she was more than just a quick dinner.

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