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03- Back for you

"Let's go to the movies today?" Louis asks as he cuddles into my chest.

I sighed and closed my eyes and let my face fall into his hair. I breathe in his scent before smiling and nodding at his idea.

"What do you want to go see love?"

"I wanna go see anything that you want to see." I say as I smile down at him.

A blush forms over his cheeks as he looks at me with that look that makes me blush every time. Everything about Louis makes me smile and I love that, even the little things. I love how every time he is trying to get his point across, he uses his hands to talk and he stutters when he is really passionate. I love the way that you know when he is truly smiling and when he is faking it. I also love the way he curls into himself and wraps his arms around himself when he is feeling insecure about himself. The way that he shakes when he gets angry -much like a small dog does all the time- and glares at you until you dare not look at him. Everything about him makes me love him even more and when I find out new things about him, I smile every time.

"Haz?" he asks as he waves his hand in my face.

"Yes babe?"

"I said how about Avengers?"

"Sure. Let's go see Avengers."

"Harry, can you answer the question on the board?" Mrs. C asks.

I quickly nod and get up, making my way to the board and solving the problem in record timing. There is this thing with me and math so I was actually very good at it. After solving the problem, I put the marker down and stepped back to check my work before letting Mrs. C check it. She nods in approval when I answer the question correctly and smiles, letting me go back to my seat.

"You see that class? Harry wasn't paying attention at all in my lesson today but still managed to get the answer right. We have never studied this particular formula at all this year, but Harry has managed to get a question right. Do you study ahead Harry?" Mrs. C asks.

"No. I don't study at all actually." I lied.

Mrs. C looked at me like I just had killed her kids when I answered her question. She shook her head and looked back over to the class and continued to teach. Everything about this was so uncalled for but, it had to be done. Class slowly came to an end and everyone slowly began to leave out of the classroom.

"Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" Mrs. C asks.

I groan and turn back around and waited for the rest of the students to walk out of the classroom. Stopping right in front of her desk, I place most of my weight on my right foot and look at her with my arms crossed over my chest.


"What was up with class today?" She asks.

"Nothing. I was perfectly fine in class today."

"You sure? You seemed a little on edge."

"I'm fine Mrs. C."

"Does this have anything to do with L-"

"Please don't say his name. Please don't." I plead as I began to make my way out of the classroom.

"He still goes here you know? He only takes classes in the mornings and the rest online at home, but he still goes here. You are bound to see him at some point." she says stopping me in my tracks.

"I thought he transferred to Johnson high school across the country?"

"No, he decided to stay here."

Then why did he tell me that he transferred before I moved away?

"He's different though. Like he isn't the same as he was before you knew him. After you left him, he was hurt." she speaks.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mrs. C." I say cutting the conversation short and leaving the classroom only to walk quickly to my house on the other side of the street and walk inside.

I slam the door closed and press my back to it, letting out a heavy breath before locking the door and making my way upstairs to my room and closing that door as well. I sit on my bed and run my hands over my face and fall back onto my bed soon after.

"Harry, I'm sorry okay?" he speaks as he tries to step closer to me.

"No Louis, you can't just do what you want with other people and then expect me to be lenient about everything. What you just did with her just hurt my feeling to the core." I cried.

"I know and I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

"That's all you say is I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Well I'm sorry isn't going to cut it anymore." I snap as I back away.

He rushes forward and grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back towards him and wraps his arms around my waist. He holds me close and cries into my shirt, the tears sinking into my shirt deeply, wetting my skin on my chest. The longer he held me, the more I started to feel sorry for him and cave in. He fisted my shirt in his fists like his life depended on it until I finally wrapped my arms around him and pulled him even closer.

"I know that I'm sorry doesn't cut it, but I am truly sorry and I hope that you can give me another chance at this. Please, please don't walk away from me right now. I need you right now." he whimpers.

"I could never walk away from you no matter how mad or pissed or upset you make me." I say as I make him look up and place a kiss to his lips.

"I love you L-"

I woke up drenched in sweat, feet hanging off the bed and my torso on the bed, arms over my face and heart pounding in my chest. Everything was so real and I felt everything. I just couldn't bare to go through it again.

I just can't.

(so here is update one of two for tonight. I'm going to take a break and update around 8 tonight. enjoy!)

Back For You ll Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now