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02- Back for You

Oakland High. The home of the Ravens with the school colors of deep red, black and white.

Not maroon. Deep red.

"H, you're going to be late to school, hurry up!" My mum yells from downstairs. 

I roll my eyes at my mother as she claims that I am going to be late for school. There is no way in absolute hell that I am going to be late to school if I live across the street from it. I rolled my eyes once again as my mother comes knocking on my door.

"I'm up mum. Please back away from the door. I'll be down in twenty." I say as I slowly get out of bed and grab something from my suitcase I have yet to unpack. I grab a navy blue beanie, white shirt and black skinny jeans as well as a white button up -but I leave that open- and proceed to head towards the bathroom to take a shower.

As I make my way to the shower, I pause in the doorway of the bathroom, cringing at the memory that it posses.

"Come on Haz, you know that you want to." he smirks as he winks at me and walks backwards towards the bathtub.

"I can't and you know that baby." I say as I limp.

I was stuck in a boot for the next two week and I hated that. I was waiting until I got to the toilet and put the seat down to take it off, as I am supposed to wear it as long as I possibly can while awake. He rolled his eyes at me and walked towards me and helped me to the closed toilet seat. He squatted down and finally just fell to his knees and began to slowly take off the boot. It stung a little when he had to move my foot from the boot, but it was whatever. He was trying to convince me to take a shower with him but I wasn't having it only because, I can't stand up on my own for long. I had to get in and get out.

"Haz, come on, just ten minutes?" he pouted at me.

"Baby, you know I want to, I just can't."

I hiss in pain as I limp even worse over to the tub that was running shower water at high temperatures. Steam was already started to flow out of the shower and I was beginning to feel weak in the leg and head.

"Haz, I'm going to make you feel good. Just let me know when you begin to feel weak in the knees and I will catch you if you fall." he says as he climbs into the shower behind me and drops to his knees once again.

He smirked up at me and leaned forwards, taking me into his mouth as my head fell back as the pleasure began to-

I was standing there for a good ten minutes before I realized that I don't have long to take a shower and get ready. Groaning, I slowly get in the shower and wash off all of the dirt and the grime from yesterday.

"H, hurry up. School starts in fifteen and you can't afford to be late right on the first day!"

"Coming mum! Chill out!"

Finally, I get out and get dressed, grabbing my boots and making my way out the door with the bag that has random school shit shoved into it. Halfway across the street, I realized that I had left my phone on the charger. I charge back towards my house in a full sprint and slam the door open, scaring my mother shitless.

"Didn't you just leave Harry?" she yells after me while I run up the stairs.

"Yeah! I left my phone, so I had to come back." I say as I make my way out of the house the second time and finally make it over to the schoolyard filled with hormonal annoying teenagers.

Everything about junior year in high school really makes me itch in annoyance and regret. You are literally in a giant building surrounded by 98% of the people you hate and 2% you can tolerate. The teachers bullshit at you all class for the dumbest reasons. You can't go take a piss or a shit without asking permission first. Last but not least, they feed you crap for breakfast and lunch and expect you to function with it.

Then the teachers get fake as fuck when the principal walks into the room and want to yell at you for something they said that you can do. It's complete and utter bullshit, but that is the least of my problems. My biggest concern is running into him this year. I don't want to see him this year, I don't want to talk about him this year, I don't want to know he exists this year. I want to know that if he still goes here that he can not talk to me. That would be lovely.

"Watch it fucker!" a voice yells.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" I snap as I turn around and gasp.

Fucking hell! I can't go two minutes without walking into the building and seeing him.

"H?" he asks.

"You don't get the right to call me that. You lost that privilege two years ago." I snap as I walk away.

I walk towards my first class of the day.


Everyone fucking loves math.

"Hello Harry." a familiar voice speaks.

I look up from the ground to see Mrs. Constance looking at me.

1% of the people I can tolerate in this school is Mrs. Constance. She was the nicest person to me since it happened. She always kept in contact with me to make sure that I was doing okay and that made me feel some sort of safety. It also helped that she was my shrink.

"Dr. C. How are you?" I asked as I reached over and gave her a hug.

"I'm fine thank you. But when we are at school, please call me Mrs. C, not Dr." she smiles.

"Got it Dr.-Mrs. C." I say as a small smile covers my face.

As the bell rings, the final students filed into the classroom and took a seat. I was about to move over to my original seat in her class, but I noticed that it wasn't there anymore. By not there I mean that, someone else was sitting in my seat. I look over at Mrs. C to see that she was looking at me and then smiled as she placed her hand on my shoulder and looked out to the class.

"Class, some of you may remember and some of you may not, but this is Harry Styles. He used to go here until he had an unfortunate accident -which is none of your business so don't ask him about it- and had to move for a couple of years. But now he is back and ready to learn again. Isn't that right Harry?" she smiles as she looks at me.

I look at her confused but then nod one time before looking down at the ground again.

"Now Harry, why don't you take your old seat." she says, motioning her hand towards it.

I slowly make my way over to the kid that has his ass parked in my seat and shoved my thumb backwards over my shoulder telling him to get up with a snarl on my face. He got up quickly and made his way towards a desk in the back as I settled into my desk again. Mrs. C handed out math packets for us to get started on just so she can see where we are in the math world. I looked down and went through all four pages of the packet. Checked the front and the back of the pages -because teachers like to be assholes and make backs to papers and don't tell you until you turn it in and get an F for doing half the work- and paused when I saw a carving in my desk.

A smirk came over my face as I read the carving 'H+L=<3'.

Maybe this year won't be ask bad as I think it will be.

02- Back for you- End

Here is the second official chapter of Back for you and I hope that you like it. This is the third time in one day that I have updated this book. Can you tell how excited I am for this??

Anyway, like I have said many times before: comment, vote and share the book if you actually like it!

I love you all so much!!

Back For You ll Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now