Taking Back Control

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Loopin' 302 ignored the voices of the medics as he dashed down the hallways, making his way for the exit.

No way I'm backing down from a fight... not when Riley 07 or anyone else is in danger.

Loopin' 302 jumped into the air once he was out, taking his helicopter form and flying into the air. He cringed a little, feeling some pain but blocked it out.

Not letting that stop me.

He got a little ways before making a stop at the border to rest for a moment. He had energy, plenty, but his body was still recovering from the shock.

"Ugh... fantastic..." he grumbled, scraping the ground a little with his landing gear. "So much for being an MCP who is supposed to handle this kind of stuff."

"You're an MCP who has a brother supposed to help you out." Said a voice as Ranger 301 stood before him. "You know MA-ru is going to derezz you when he catches you."

Loopin' 302 smirked a little. "I'll take the risks... better than standing by and doing nothing..." He looked off in the distance, seeing the battle that was going on between the Jolly Wrenches and Nero's forces... he noticed there was a lack of certain program in the squadron.

"Odd..." he muttered. "Why isn't he there?"

"Who's missing?"

"Rip 13... He always lead Nero's squadrons into battle why isn't he-" Loopin' 302 stopped short as something came to him. "His mission... Oh no..."

Ranger 301 looked to him concerned. "Talk to me... What mission?"

"It was when Nero was telling me to deactivate... Rip 13 snuck in when the Fire Wall had a hole in it... he was supposed to obtain something... a disk."

Ranger 301's eyes widened in horror. "... One minute..." He radioed Spark-E. "Spark-E.... What's the status on Crophopper 7's disk...?"

"Ranger 301, this is Dot-E, Spark-E is out cold... the disk is gone!"

"Oh no..." Ranger 301 was horrified as it hit him. "... I know who has it..."

You monster...

"Who?" Dot-E asked.

"Loopin' just alerted me of something he heard before he was told to deactivate.... Rip 13 was sent out to retrieve a disk... Isn't it ironic that Hudson 51 appears injured and Lightning 95 is no where to be found.... And that disk is missing?"

A growl was heard on the other side of the radio.


"Dot-E... You can derezz him later... Where is Crophopper 7 right now?"

"Last I saw him he was in the training arena, I'll check the whole base again and see where he is. I don't think he would've gone anywhere on his own being unstable."

"Young programs can also be impulsive... No matter how mature they appear..." Ranger 301 said glancing at Loopin' 302 out of the corner of his eye. I should know, I happen to know one those.

"R-Right... I'll report back to when I find him..."


"End of line."

Loopin' 302 looked to Ranger 301.

"So... what now?"

"You're not going out there alone. Even if I have to haul your chasis back here."

Loopin' 302 smirked. "Like old times?"

Ranger 301 smirked. "Just like old times."

Loopin' 302 gained some air, readying his fire tank.

"Let's do this then."


"Keep hammering them!" Riley 07 yelled to his squadron.

There was energy bullets and light ribbons everywhere. It was full out war between the Jolly Wrenches and Nero's force. This was something the Wrenches had not done in a very long time. Riley 07 couldn't remember the last time he had this much of an energy rush when in combat. It was a miracle they hadn't lost anyone yet.

"So this is the mighty Riley 07 and his squadron? What a delight to have you!"

Riley 07 growled, looking to one of the tops of the buildings to see Nero sneering at him.

"If war is a delight I'd hate to see what an irritance is like."

"Oh, you're both." Nero's eyes narrowed. "You machine programs have been a thorn in my side for far too long, just accept the fact that resistance is futile. This system is MINE!"

Riley 07 charged at him, firing light bullets like mad. Nero dodged with ease, creating walls of electricity to protect himself.

"Ah blind rage... one of your many weaknesses." Nero held out his hand, shooting lightning at the corsair, hitting him dead on in one of his wings. Riley 07 let out a scream as he veered away.

"RILEY 07!" his squadron shouted.

Nero laughed.

"Oh this is too much fun."

"Then the party is over Nero!"


Nero was knocked off his feet by the shockwave of bullets that hit the building he was stanind on. He grolwed, looking to see who his attackers were. His eyes widened when he saw all the machines that were appearing, mainly because of the color of their glow marks.

"You..." He growled.

Sidd-LEE was in the lead with Hol-E right beside him, both having a bit of smirk on their faces.

"Miss us?" Sidd-LEE snickered, the plane flying around the building. "Or did you think we were just cowards afraid to come out of the shadows?"

"Either way, here are." Hol-E lead other machines behind her into the battle, giving the Wrenches extra support.

Shadow Programs... They don't come out unless they have a reason... Nero thought as he got back up, keeping his shield to deflect bullets that were coming at him. There has to be a reason...

Nero heard his transmitter go off.

"What is it?" he asked into his radio, growling as he deflected another attack.

"Nero! There's been a breach in security, there are two machine programs heading for the core of the center I/O tower!"

Nero's eyes were wide. "How... HOW DID THEY GET IN?!"

"They have Shadow Programs with them, they caught us off guard! On top of that we have a traitor among us! Rip 13 was helping them!"

Nero was silent before a growl escaped his throat.

"I'll handle him myself."

Nero looked to the battle around him, seeing things were escalating rather quickly. Not only were the Shadow Programs and Jolly Wrenches fighting, but the Fire Wall Team was now present as well. Nero could see Loopin' 302 furiously at work, vengeance in his eyes.

I'll worry about him later... Nero made his off the building, his own rage building up. I have a traitor to take care of.


"Just keep moving!" Rip 13 shouted as he flew down the corridor, leading the way for Crophopper 7 and Lightning 95.

The two programs followed closely, trying hard not to look behind them.

"You sure FiN will be alright?" Lightning 95 asked, glancing a little bit behind.

"He's one of the best of the Shadow Programs, he's the leader most of the time for a reason." Rip 13 answered. "He'll be fine, focus on what you need to."

Lightning 95 gave a slight nod, looking to Crophopper 7.

"Though... I really feel like we should be out there fighting."

"We technically are Lightning 95." Crophopper 7 looked to the end of the corridor. "Doing this is gonna help end it."


They soon came to the end of the corridor shifting to their huminid forms as they came upon a large panel with a yellow beam of light coming out of it. To the sides of it were two panels, both the right size for a huminid to stand on.

Rip 13 nodded to both of them, gesturing to the panels.

"Step onto those panels and hold your disks to the sky. The system will handle the rest."

The programs nodded, making their ways over to the panels, drawing out their disks.

"This is it..." Crophopper 7 said, readying his disk.

"This ends today." Lightning 95 finished.

As they raised their disks, Rip 13 could hear someone coming. He narrowed his eyes drawing out his disk and getting into a ready position. Soon enough... some one appeared.

"Greetings Nero." Rip 13 growled, narrowing his eyes.

"Same to you... traitor." Nero had his hands ready with electricity, rage burning in his eyes. "I guess I should've seen this coming... you switched sides rather quickly after all... On top of that not all Users are idiots."

"Are you all talk?" Rip 13 quipped. "Or do you just want to get this over with? Because I certainly don't have all day."

Nero snarled, charging at him, throwing electricity his way. Rip 13 rolled to the side.

"Over here idiot!"

Nero growled, firing lightning at him again, Rip 13 jumping into the air to avoid it, nailing Nero hard in the chest.

"You know... I think I'm starting to believe what the others say about you. I've heard the rumors... You work so hard to keep us under control. You try so hard to show no fear but in reality... You're terrified of us. Every. Last. Machine. Program."


Crophopper 7 and Lightning 95 watched in horror as Rip 13 was struck to the ground with electricity. He was convulsing on the ground as it moved up and down his body.

"NO!!!" Crophopper 7 called out.


Nero stepped on his chest, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Game over, Rip."

Rip 13 looked up at Nero, his eyes seeming hollow... before a smirk came across his face.

"I think you got it wrong Nero... It's not game over for me... It's game over... for you."

Nero's eyes widened as he looked over to Crophopper 7 and Lightning 95, seeing their disks were now glowing brightly as they went up into the air, joining with the center beam. The yellow color of the beam faded to a bright white with a tint of blue. Circuits appeared on the floors, walls and ceiling, lightning the place up brightly.

"Control resorted. What are your orders, Brody08?" Crophopper 7 and Lightning 95 asked simultaneously.

"All hackers are to be eliminated... but don't worry... I'll take care of that myself, you've all fought long enough... Time I took care of this." a voice answered.

Before Nero could get away he was grabbed by entities made of energy.

"You must be the nuisance that drained my programs... Well, nice meeting you. Now good bye."

Nero didn't have a chance to scream before he was broken down into coding and electricity, fading completely from sight.

"MCPs of N-Gin your functions are now restored!" the voice shouted. "I leave the reconstruction of this system in your tires and wings. The war is over!"

There were loud cheers heard that were coming from outside. Crophopper 7 and Lightning 95 grinned hearing this.

"It's really over..."

"Crophopper 7... Lightning 95." The two programs looked up, seeing their disks were coming back to them. "Well done... I knew you could do it."

"Thank you... Master." They bowed as they reclaimed their disks.

Rip 13 looked up weakly, smiling a little, despite the injuries he had.

"It's really over... I don't... I don't have to act anymore... Right... Master?"

"That's right Rip 13... I know this hasn't been easy for you... but I'm proud of you... and you'll be rewarded as such."

Coding came around the program, sealing up the wounds Nero gave him. He felt his strength come back as he sat up, being greeted by Lightning 95 and Crophopper 7.

"Well boys... What now?" Rip 13 asked, grinning.

The two grinned, taking their machine forms.

"How about getting this system back to the way it should be?" Crophopper 7 suggested.

Rip 13 nodded, taking on his plane form.

"Then come on... What are we waiting for? There's a whole new world waiting for us."  

Reconfigure by Aileen RoseWhere stories live. Discover now