Change in Plans

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  Rip 13 scowled as he flew around the borders of the still burning Fire Wall. There were no openings as far as he could tell... and the team above certainly wasn't stopping anytime soon.

And I'm not taking my chances with locking combat with Ranger 301's team...

He glanced up seeing who was above. He could make out the numbers of each of the team members, identifying each one with ease.

DippER 28... not the strongest but still not one to tango with... and Windlifter 33... Yep, not crossing that line.

He cursed under his breath.

They're not making my job easy... I need to get to Crophopper 7 or I'll fail my orders...

"Rip 13, report back to base, Nero wants you."

Rip 13 sighed, growling a little. "I'll be there soon."

"Good. End of line."

Rip 13 took one last glance at the Fire Wall before heading back to the city.

I swear... I won't fail my master... I'll do whatever it takes till I fulfill my directive.


Everyone stared at Crophopper 7 in silence.

"I don't remember..." Crophopper 7 repeated. "I know I have a directive... but... I.. I don't know what it is..."

"The reconfigure process..." MA-ru started. "It did more than just mess with his coding..."

"His memories were affected too..." Dot-E said, almost whispered. She clenched her fists. "Dang it Nero..."

Crophopper 7 lowered his head into his hands. "So this is it...? I'm so broke that I can't even fulfill let alone remember my directive? I failed to do what Brody08 asked of me?"

Ranger 301 narrowed his eyes. "No... There's still a chance, it's too early to give up. MA-ru and Dot-E said they could still fix you, which means they can help restore your memories as well. Giving up won't do any good... Brody08 knows that. He sent you after all... don't let his efforts go to waste."

Crophopper 7 looked up at him before giving a small nod. "O-Okay..."

MA-ru cleared his throat. "Spark-E is still working on mapping out his coding, but he should be done soon which means repair work will be under way. We just need to bide our time." He looked over to Crophopper 7. "Best he doesn't' stay cooped up in here. Get him some air... and show him alternative ways of flying... just in case."

Riley 07 nodded. "Leave that to me and Ranger 301."

Dot-E detached a baton from her boot, handing it to Crophopper 7.

"Here, has all you'll need."

Crophopper 7 took it, giving a nod. "Thanks..."

Riley 07 walked over to Crophopper 7, helping him to his feet.

"Come on, we'll take you to the practice grid."

"One moment." MA-ru said as he grabbed something off a table.

He hurried over to Crophopper 7, snapping on a bracelet to his wrist.

"This will let us know if you start having a glitch episode. Do NOT take it off. Understood?"

"Understood." Crophopper 7 answered, looking at the bracelet.

Limited.... great...

"Alright, let's go." Ranger 301 said, leading the way out with Riley 07 and Crophopper 7 right behind him.

MA-ru, Dot-E, Lightning 95, and Hornet 51 all looked at each other.

"Riley 07... and Ranger 301 training someone at the same time..." Lightning 95 started.

"He's dead." MA-ru finished.

"May Brody08 have mercy on his coding." Hornet 51 added.


"No way to get in, is there?"

Rip 13 lowered his head.

"Not unless you want Loopin' 302 and me getting derezzed or any of your other warriors for that matter."

Nero kept his eyes locked on the city outside his window.

"I would think Loopin' 302 wouldn't be bothered by the Fire Wall considering his original function."

Rip 13's eyes narrowed.

"Let's not forget what you did-"

Nero held up a hand, silencing him.

"The reconfigure process always costs something. I was just saying considering his form.... but guess it's something I miscalculated... something we'll need to fix." Nero let out a little growl. "I want that program."

"Shall I have Loopin' 302 taken to the lab then?"

"I'll take care of that myself. You may rest, you've worked hard Rip 13."

Rip 13 nodded. "Thank you sir. Am I dismissed?"

"Yes, go help yourself to some water and get some tuning from the researchers."

Rip 13 gave another nod before leaving the room, Nero going his own way as well. He went over plans in his head as he was walked down the corridors.

I'll need to reinstall his fire proof coding... but I'll need a template to use... which means having to get a hold of one of those Fire Wall programs... or...

A grin started to creep across his face.

Claim the big prize...

Through his brother program.

Reconfigure by Aileen RoseWhere stories live. Discover now