Let the Games Begin!!!!!

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Be Prepared XD. Y'alls might get mad at me now. This is also a rather long chapter so please enjoy some music as you read. (you don't have to use this music if you don't want to though)

Midorima POV

       Footsteps echoed as I walked home through the empty park, I had the feeling I was being followed. I turned to see who was following me and there he was. "T-Takao you're alive and well," I said relieved to see him. "Where were you. You were gone for a whole week. Are you ok, are you hurt?" I bombarded him with questions.
       "Shin-chan," he said his voice a bit emotionless but I was busy asking him questions to notice.
       "Yes," I asked curious as to what he was going to say.
       "I'm sorry," he said with a smirk as he threw then wrapped a long twine of rope around my throat.
        "What are yo...," i started but Takao began to drag me by the rope choking me in the process. All that was going through my mind was 'Why is takao doing this.' Suddenly i was thrown, "cough* Takao what are yo..mmph," i started but i was gagged and thrown once more but this time into a vehicle.
       "Hehe now i can have some fun," a voice said but i couldn't figure out who it was because i was shocked as hell by what was going on. I started to pass out because the gag was smothered in chloroform. "Nighty night."

Aomine POV

       "So [L/N]-chan let's get to know each other a bit," I grinned.
       "Alright how about i go first," [Y/N] stated. "What is your favorite video game."
       "Mine is Mortal Combat," I smiled. "What's yours?"
       "I've got two. One is Mortal Combat and the other is Drakengard 3," she/he said with a smile.
       "I think i've heard of Drakengard 3. It's that one that you have five sisters and you are trying to kill them right," I asked.
       "Yes it is. I like it because I can kill people and there is a lot of blood," she/he smirked.
       "You know you don't look like the type to like video games with violence. I was kinda thinking you'd say something like solitaire," I smiled back at her/him.
       "I will take that as an insult unless you tell me why you'd think that," she/he irked.
       "I only thought that cause you look innocent and stuff. I like innocent girls, but i guess one that is into the same stuff as me is interesting too," I chuckled.
       "That's rude don't chuckle after you say something like that. Pervert," [Y/N] pouted.
       "Pervert?! I'm not a pervert," I snapped.
       "You just stated that you were," She/he smirked.
       "How," I questioned.
       "You said you like sweet, innocent girls, also you chuckled after you said it," [Y/N]'s smirk getting bigger.
       "Tch i didn't mean it like that geez," I rubbed the back of my head.
       "How did you mean it then," she/he said as she/he put her/his hand in her/his pocket.
       "I don't know. I only know that i didn't mean it that way," I sighed. "So you go to school with the I'm absolute brat. Hahaha has he ordered you around yet."


       "What are you talking about," I asked. 'This guy wants to be stabbed. Insulting my man.'
       "When we went to Teiko he was normal and everything. Then one day that all changed and became a big jerk who always ordered us around," Aomine laughed.
       "The captain of the basketball team is supposed to order you around you idiot," I irked
       "How'd you know he was the captain," he asked. "How friendly has he been to you? Watch when you're not looking he's gonna become a completely different person.."
       "Tell me more," I said. 'I'd like to know more about Seijuro-kun. Him ordering people around sounds interesting though, maybe i'll let him order me around sometimes. Wait what am i thinking.'
       "That's all i can think of. He's just an I'm absolute brat who doesn't care about other people," Aomine said. "Hey you know if he treats you badly you can always go to Touou with me. I'm the best man for you." He smirked as he leaned in to kiss me, but i was faster. I grabbed the stick that was in my pocket and stabbed him in the stomach.
       "No thank you," I said and out of the corner of my eye someone from the alley beside us popped out. They had a pair of scissors. As they came out the scissors went straight for Aomine's throat.
       "Gh *Cough*," Aomine cried out as he fell to the floor.
       "Don't touch my girl," the person said. "Tch i didn't cut deep enough. The stick you used [Y/N]-chan went deeper. I think you may have hit one of his vitals so he'll probably die soon anyway."
       "Seijuro-kun," I smiled happily
       "Akashi you bastard *cough*," Aomine whined more as he flipped himself over to see who tried to slit his throat.
       "You tried to kiss my girlfriend/boyfriend," Akashi smiled. His smile was filled with joy and insanity.
       "[L/N]-chan why did you stab me," Aomine asked. "*Cough* And you two are dating."
       "You were talking smack about my man. Then you tried to make a move on me. i'm sure any girl would do the same," I smirked. (Male Part) "By the way I'm a guy."
       "The girl would use pepper spray on someone who made a move on them. Not stab them *cough*," Aomine said. (Male Part) "What? Anyway the person would use pepper spray on someone who made a move on them. Not stab them *cough*."
       "Really all the movies i've watched they stabbed them," I said putting my finger on my chin.
       "Come [Y/N]-chan/kun let's go somewhere else. As much as i want to watch him bleed to death, I'd rather be with you," Akashi smiled at me.
        "Awww but i wanna watch him bleed," I whined.
        "Let's watch from a distance then so that if someone walks by we don't get blamed. Also pull the stick out of his stomach so that we can burn the evidence," Akashi said.
        "Hai Seijuro-kun. Oh and if you want to you can order me around sometimes it sounds like it would be interesting," I said and he gave me a funny look. "Don't look at me like that. You make it look like i said something weird."
       "I never thought i'd hear someone ask me to order them around before," Akashi said with a blank face. "Interesting well if you let me order around then i'll let you order me around as well."
       "Da fuck Akashi why do you let her/him order you around *Cough*. Oh and this ain't no stick it's a shiv. A stick can't penetrate skin unless it's thick. This bitch just shanked me," he whined as he coughed up some blood.
       "Awww i missed it," I whined. "I wanted to watch him cough up the blood damn."
       "Daiki language and [Y/N]-chan/kun you'll get to see him cough up blood after you pull the 'shiv' was it out of him," Akashi smirked. "Also Daiki if you didn't hear what i said she's/he's my girlfriend/boyfriend of course i'd let her/him order me around sometimes."
       "Gaaa Ite yo...u....bi....tch *Cough*," Aomine said as i yanked the stick out of his stomach.
       "Seijuro-kun can we go now, and Daiki was it stop calling me a bitch please or i'll take Seijuro-kun's scissors and finish you off," I threw a death glare at him.
       "Well [Y/N]-chan/kun just in case how about you stab him once with the scissors just to make sure his vitals were stabbed, but don't finish him off," Akashi said handing me the scissors.
       "Ok but why can't i finish him off now," I asked taking the scissors.
       "You can't kill him because someone else you know is gonna come and finish him off," he smiled.
        "Gah *cough*," Aomine whined more his voice sounding like he kinda enjoyed that stab.
        "Who's going to finish him off," I said happily as i pulled the scissors out of Aomine's stomach and walked of with Akashi.
       "You'll see when he gets here," he chuckled.

I'm Gonna Keep You (Yandere!Akashi Seijuro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now