April 8, 2016

172 12 1

Dear diary,

So.. Iceland kicked me out. He said I was in the way. I'm staying at a nice hotel now. This is my last resort.. I didn't want to spend money on lodging, but this is better than Iceland's couch though.

Oh funny story. Let me tell you all about the drama. So apparently Denmark went to my house for whatever reason, and because I'm not there, obviously no one answered. So he went home and came back later that night and guess what? I still wasn't there. So he called Ice who said that I had been staying with him, but apparently didn't explain why or tell him where I went and just said that I got kicked out. So now he's looking for me.

Also he's called me 74 times. I'm not going to answer. I'm just going to let him look. Look at this, revenge is figuring itself out. No effort needed at all. I'm interested in seeing how long this can go on for.

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