Febraury 2, 2016

256 26 5

Dear diary,

Today I'm going to write about my opinion on the Nordics. If anyone ever sees this I might die...

Okay, first up. Iceland.

Iceland is a nice kid... He has good intentions and he cares a lot about people. The only problem is that he feels like he has something to prove.

I don't really know why, but for some reason, his attitude makes me want to protect him. I know he's grown up, but I still see him as my little brother who needs me.

Next... Denmark.

This one is easy. He annoys me.

But he's also my best friend. Okay, maybe this one isn't easy. He's over energetic and full of himself and wayyy too loud, but he has been there for me since the beginning. Besides all of the useless traits, he's loyal and thoughtful and fun.

Don't tell him I said anything.


I guess Finland is alright. He's kind of the mom of the Nordics. He's really happy all of the time with an almost childish look. Don't make him angry. Ever. He has this obsession with guns that scares Russia.

He's pretty cool though. He doesn't bother me or try to get me to do anything. Mostly he just hangs around Sweden. The best thing about Finland is that he believes in magic. Probably because he's Santa.

We would probably eat a lot of takeout if not for him and the Dane.

Finally, Sweden.

He doesn't say much. That's why he's cool. Everyone is scared if him but I don't know... He doesn't seem scary. I don't really have an opinion on him but he is obsessed with furniture. That's kind of weird.

Anyways, that's it.

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