March 12, 2016

196 16 7

Dear diary,

Some days, I just want to smack every single Nordic across the face and then ransack their bedrooms for anything worth selling and destroy the rest! Today isn't one of those days.

No.. Today is one of those days when a bunch of crappy stuff happened, but then some good things happened as well, so it kind of just balanced out. For starters, I got woken up this morning because I was getting late to a dentist appointment. Two crappy things right off the bat. Then the dentist held me in a nitrous prison for two hours so now my mouth is numb and I think I'm still kinda loopy... Hard to say.

Anyway it was all made better when England's unicorn friend came to visit me. Flying Mint Bunny came as well! We all had coffee together and it was absolutely fantastic. I am definitely still loopy!

Hahahahaha! Fantastic is a weird word.. It's like a fan, that tasted something, said 'Ic' because it was gross, and became fantastic. Flying Mint Bunny prefers the term Fliptastic, and Iggy's unicorn friend prefers sparkly-fantabulous. He has some issues that he's been trying to get some help for...

I am going to go poke a bear now. Bye.

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