April 3, 2016

192 17 9

Dear diary,

I hung out with England and Romania today. There have been rumors of clowns around America. We decided that if the problem gets really bad we'll go to check it out and maybe hunt a few down.

As of today we didn't do much. We mostly worked on a few different group spells. For example, a revival spell and communication enchantments. We could have done more but Romania got new headphones and he would not turn his music off and put the stupid things away. It was so loud that we could hear his music even after we asked him to turn it down eight times. Eight. Times.

England got so mad at him that he threw his wand at Romania and it knocked over a glass of water and flooded the whole room. So yeah apart from almost drowning my day was great. I'm just glad I know oxygen spells. Romania is okay too but England isn't. He used too much magic flooding the room and passed out. He's in the hospital right now, they just finished pumping all the water out of his lungs. He's kind of okay though, just a bit sick so I'm not too worried about him.

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