Chapter 7

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So now it was the second week of the second month since Diana had died, and Spencer was back at work.

"This is the Watkins family. They went missing two weeks ago from their homes. They have been connected to three other family murders by local police. The Doyle family was the first ones who turned up dead, then the Brock family, and the latest one was the Reynolds. In each murder the unsub killed the father first, and kept the mothers and daughters for five weeks in a secondary location where they were tortured, raped, and killed. The bodies of the mothers and daughters turned up at local parks." JJ reported.

"So why did they call us in, it seems like the police practically have solved the case." Derek questioned.

"We should also see what connects the family together." Rossi declared.

"I'll ask Garcia." Derek said.

"Hello, hello. I just discovered how the families knew each other. Well, not really the families, more like the fathers. They were all seen on camera together at a gay bar. So, more than likely- I'm just going to do your work for you- the unsub is probably targeting them because they were gay, yet they all had wives and kids. Garcia out! Oh, hey Spencer! You doing-" Spencer simply shut off the webcam and looked back at the team.

"So, now all we have to do is figure out which bar they went to." Hotch said.

"There's only one in the town. Heh, we solved the case before we even landed." Spencer reported.

"Yeah, only now we have to catch the guy. Mid thirties probably, definitely single, and is white." Hotch told the team.

"Hey guys- again- I have a video recording of each husband with the same guy, and then they went to flirt with someone else. Here's our guy: Andrew Hill, who is wanted for evading the police in a hit-and-run." Garcia reported.

"So who's going undercover?" Emily asked.

"Well, Rossi and I can't because we're too old. So, Spencer and Derek will have to go." Hotch said as if it was no big deal, which in any other situation wouldn't be. Spencer froze. Then went red. Because after the Christmas party, the kiss. Oh god.

The local police apologized again, for getting the FBI messed up in this. Hotch simply waved it off and walked over to Derek and Spencer.

"You guys will have to go in at separate times. Spencer, you'll come onto the unsub and later go over and hit on Derek. That way the two of you are covered. Oh, um, Garcia said you two need to wear this. Sorry, but it's not your regular clothes style. You two would stick out like sore thumbs. Now go change, we're leaving in half an hour." The pair got dressed and walked into the SUV.

The two didn't say anything but Spencer went out of the car first. Derek went in after they had gone around the next three blocks.

As Spencer walked into the club, he spotted the unsub almost immediately. But before he went over to him, he took a deep breath. The place smelled of sweat, perfume and cologne. Spencer felt strangely at peace, even though an unsub was in the room with him. The reason he felt so good may have been because he was going to take down the unsub, but the greatest feeling was that he could belong here. He didn't have to hide himself, he could be open here.

So Spencer made his way to the bar that Andrew (the unsub) was at.
"I don't think I've seen you here before. You new around here?" Andrew had a deep voice, and was attractive in some aspects.

"I am new, just moved here from Las Vegas, actually. You from here or are you visiting for business?"Spencer was in work-mode now. 'Sweet talk him, dance with him, lead him to the bar, and go dance with Derek- filling while doing so. Then go back to Andrew and have him lead you outside.' These things were going through his mind at a rapid rate.

"I live here. So Vegas, huh? Why did you move to this little old town?" Andrew spoke as he asked the bartender for two drinks.

"Well you see, too many bad memories. I came here looking for, you know, a... good time."

"You came to the right place then."

"You mean that you're here alone? A good looking guy like you doesn't have anyone in the picture?"

"Nope. How about you?"

"All alone." This answer wasn't completely true. He was hoping Derek was in his picture though he wasn't sure.

"Really? Well, my names Andrew Hill." Andrew stuck his hand out, and Spencer took it.

"The name's Spencer. Spencer Smith." He gave a flashy, fake, grin to the guy. They stopped shaking hands, and Spencer saw Derek enter the club in the corner of his eye.

"So, Spencer, you want a drink?"

"I would much rather dance. You dance, Andrew?" He was trying to dodge taking the drink.

"Lead the way." Andrew said as he bowed to Spencer.

Derek entered the club and was about to head to the bar, when he saw Spencer was already there. As Spencer guided the Unsub to the dance floor, Derek went over to the bar, sat on a stool, and watched the show in front of him. Let's just say that Spencer was right- he can dance so much better when he was in the right setting.

So Spencer led Andrew off the dance floor, back to the bar.

"I'm gonna go freshen up a bit, okay? Stay here until I get back, Darling." Andrew spoke as he got up and walked over to the men's bathroom. Then Derek and Spencer got busy. Spencer reminded Derek the plan, whispering in his ear so that if the unsub- Andrew as Spencer called him- would still see them 'flirting'. But before Andrew even came out Spencer jumped onto Derek's lap and collided his lips with his 'friends'. So as Spencer stayed there with their lips collided, as he was all but making out with Derek Morgan. Derek didn't know if this was just for case or if it was something more. But he sure wasn't going to pass that up. So Derek moved his lips back against Spencer's, sucking on Spencer's bottom lip to gain access.

But instead of doing exactly that, Spencer pushed against his chest- almost like he was angry.

"I told you I don't want anything. If you want that type of fun you have to pay. Though, maybe I would knock a few off.. You are cute enough."

Then Spencer got off his lap and sat on the other side of Andrew.

So, Spencer had been flirting for almost a hour when Andrew drew Spencer outside.

"Listen, in order to touch you got to pay. So, Andrew are you paying?"Spencer turned towards him, halting the movement of his over-exaggerated hip slaughtering.

"How much we talking?" He sounded serious.

"Maybe twenty an hour?" 

"That sounds fair to me. Though, I'm not completely done moving in, so if we went to your house, that'd be wonderful." Spencer smiled, plan running through his head. Andrew was driving to his house- which the team would be at if possible- and they were two blocks from the club when Spencer placed his hand on the horrible man sitting next to him's thigh. They drove in silence, Spencer moving his hand up and down slowly.

They got to the apartment when Andrew said, "You mind if I tie you up?"

Spencer was smirking on the inside. "I got a better plan." Spencer said as he walked up behind the unsub. He quickly took the handcuffs from his belt and put them on Andrew.

"Hey! I'm not okay with this!" Andrew tried to get out of the cuffs, but Spencer knew he couldn't. 

"Hey, you know that price we were talking about earlier?" Spencer said out of the blue.

"Well, that price is your freedom. Andrew Hill, you are under arrest for the killing of Edgar Doyle, Audrey Doyle, Claudia Doyle, Ryan Reynolds, Faith Reynolds, Veronica Reynolds, Joe Watkins, Thelma Watkins; you are also under arrest for evading the police in a hit-and-run. You have the right to an attorney . If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided to you..." Spencer continued to read Andrew his rights until Derek bursting through the door interrupted him. Derek grabbed a hold of Andrew and practically shoved him out the door to the police car.

Falling in Love with you- A Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now