Chapter 6

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Spencer didn't notice that his phone fell out of his pocket in the living room.

Spencer woke up, not knowing why he was still in yesterday's clothes. Then he remembered. Talking about kids, the kiss, Derek. But as he went to go change in his bathroom, he heard his phone ring. When he picked it up he answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Spencer Reid."

"Oh, Spencer, I've been trying to call you all night! I'm so sorry." He instantly realized it was the attendee that took care of his mother was crying over the line.

"What happened? Is my mother okay?" He now was awake, and also alarmed.

"You see, Spencer, she-she had a heart attack. We didn't get to her in time. I'm-m so sorry." The attendee was crying over the line." We need you to come get her, for-or her funeral, we can help you make preparations." She was now hiccuping as well as crying.

"I'll be down within the hour." Spencer's voice was clear, though his thoughts weren't. 'If I was there instead of with the team... I should have been there.'

He abandoned the action of getting dressed and instead picked up his satchel, grabbed his ID, wallet, and the books he had meant to give her for Christmas. Then he grabbed his phone, and called Hotch.

"Aaron Hotchner, FBI, how many I help you?"

"Hotch, I-It's me. Can I borrow the jet? I need to head to Las Vegas. I-It's my mom." Spencer stuttered, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Yes, you can. I'm sorry Spencer. I hope she's okay." Hotch said.

Spencer stopped listening after 'yes'. He hung up, muttering a 'thank-you.' He was about to leave, but then paused. He didn't want to be alone for this.

The phone ringed three times before they picked it up.

"Derek Morgan."

"D-Derek. Please meet me at the jet in ten minutes. P-PLease." Spencer was practically sobbing into the phone.

"What's wrong? Spence, talk to me."

"She d-d-died. Please, Derek. I don't want to do this alone." He all but was pleading.

"I'm so sorry, I'm getting my bag- say on the line with me- I'm now in my car- do you want me to pick you up?" Derek didn't want Spencer to hang up. Spencer was devastated after Mauve, didn't talk to anyone for a month. Imagine what's going to happen after the funeral of his parent.

"Can you pick me up?" Spencer wasn't done crying- not by a long shot- but he held back until Derek answered.

"I'm on my way to your house, almost there. Don't hang up, okay?" Derek heard a small 'okay' and Spencer's breathe after it. Derek got here quickly, and ran up the stairs to the apartment.

"Spencer, I'm, outside your door now, come on." He was talking gentler than normal.

The two were on the jet, Spencer was curled up in the corner of her seat and Derek was on the other side of him. They didn't say anything for the whole plane ride, and when it was time they landed Derek said two things before Spencer could escape.

"The team is here for you, and you'll become better-even if it feels like the world's falling down around you." Spencer nodded, and let Derek go off the plane first.

When they arrived at Bennington Sanitarium, Reid for once didn't want to walk through the doors and see his mother. Though he knew he only had so long until his mother's body was cremated.

"Do you want me to wait out here?" Derek asked gently, even though he knew that more than likely he didn't.

"No." was all Spencer said before drying his eyes and storming through the doors. Derek followed him in. They walked up to the front desk and the attendee ran towards the two.

"I'm so sorry Spencer- if there's anything we can do-" She sounded just as sad as Spencer was.

"You want to talk at the funeral?"

"I'd be happy to."

"It's going to be in Quantico, Virginia. Can you send the body there please?" Spencer was distancing himself from everything.

Everyone went to the funeral service, even the BAU's director- Erin Strauss. The one person who wasn't welcome was also there- Reid's dad, William Reid. No one really knew how Reid would react to seeing his father, not even Spencer knew. So it didn't surprise anyone when Spencer completely ignored him.

"Diana Reid was a wonderful person. Sure, she had her bad days, but don't we all? Despite her condition she was hopeful, even self-aware at times. Diana was a person who could calm anyone down. Her best days were spent as a mother, reading books to her son. Diana truly loves-loved, sorry, her son. She would protect him at all costs, even if it meant violence. She will never be forgotten, and will always be loved." The attendee spoke quickly, voice only breaking once, even if he had tears in her eyes.

Now it was time to bury the body, to give her your condenses and to try to say goodbye. Spencer was the only one left, and when he got to her casket he was talking to her quietly.

"Hello, mom. I-I meant to give these to you at Christmas but I-let's not talk about that. These books are the ones that you used to read me at home. We used to read together, you remember that? I hope you will never forget it, I know I won't." Spencer laid the books in her casket by her side. "Go-ood b-bye." He whispered to her as they buried her into the ground.

It had been a month since the funeral, and Spencer was starting to come outside again. Hotch gave him a leave. Now Spencer didn't cope well, as a matter of fact he didn't really cope at all. He cried for the first few days, sure, but Spencer Reid refused to think his mother was gone. So nothing changed.

Falling in Love with you- A Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now