Chapter 13: Fireworks

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A/N: Hey guys! First of all, Happy Holidays! And I know I haven't added a chapter for like, two weeks, but now you have it! And this is the last chapter! *soft crying* I know I'm very sad about it. But, the conflict has been resolved, and I felt like this was a good place to end it! Also, I want to write another fanfiction! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Mortal Instruments. That fabulous series belongs to Cassandra Clare.


It was now my last night at the Institute, and also the Fourth of July. I was dressed in a navy blue sleeveless dress that flows to my mid-thigh. I was wearing a white belt and red flats for, you know, American spirit.

Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Alec, Magnus and I were in Taki's right now, having dinner. I was sitting in between Simon and Jace. Simon was sitting across from Izzy, who was next to Alec and Magnus. It was about 7:30.

I was really excited because Jace and Simon had said that they had something planned. And apparently Magnus was in on it, too. Izzy and Alec were getting somewhat frustrated that they couldn't figure out what their plan was. I, on the other hand, wasn't bothered by that. I liked a little mystery.

"Can't you just tell us?" Iz whined.

"All the guys are in on it!" Alec said. "I'm a guy, too, and I should be in on it as well!"

"Well, hun," Magnus started, in a mocking tone, "since there are two men in this relationship, one must take the role of the girl, and I nominated you."

Simon and Jace spit into their drinks while Alec's face turned red and Magnus smirked.

"Why me?" Alec complained.

"You're obviously the more feminine one," Magnus replied cooly.

"I beg to differ," Jace intervened.

Magnus shot a jokingly menacing look, "What's that supposed to mean, little Shadowhunter?"

"Hmmm...." Jace said, tapping a finger to his chin. "Shall I start with the glitter in your hair or the purple stretch pants?"

Everyone, except for Izzy, laughed. "While this is all very entertaining..." she cut in, "I still want to know what the 'surprise' is."

"Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you, now would it?" said Simon, pointing a finger at her accusingly.

She crossed her arms and scowled. "Fine, be that way."

"We shall," Jace said, flashing a sickly-sweet grin.


After we left Taki's, Magnus had somehow summoned a car for us to ride to the "surprise." It was a red, slight worn-out pickup truck. Magnus was driving, with Alec in the passenger seat. I was squeezed in between Simon and Jace.

"You know Clary," Jace whispered in my ear, "I've never actually seen what the 'surprise' is. You probably have."

What have I seen that Jace hasn't? It must be something mundane. Nothing to do with shadowhunters.

We were driving for a long and irritating hour when Mangus said, "We're hereeeeee!"

I looked around, somewhat confused by my surroundings. This was definitely not a city.

There was sand every where, with long plants growing out of it. Water lapped along the shoreline, advancing then receding, over and over again.

Wait. I have seen this place before. In pictures. In movies. My mother even painted it once.

I had never imagined that a beach would look so beautiful in real life.

"Woah," I said, breathless. Jace smiled and gave a soft breathy laugh.

When we are parked and our of the car, Magnus immediately grabbed his boyfriend's hand, and ran down the beach, Alec's hand in his. Simon linked arms with Isabelle, both of them walking down the beach, and Izzy asking questions crazily.

Jace swung himself up onto the trunk of the pickup truck, and held out his hand for me, which I took.

"This place is amazing," I said breathily.

"The surprise isn't over yet."

"Really, now?" I said, a small smile already forming on my face.

"Mhmm" was all he said.

We sat silently, cross-legged in the trunk of the car, Jace staring up anxiously at the sky, apparently waiting for something. I could just hear him muttering "C'mon, c'mon" under his breath.

Then it happened.

A loud burst and a shower of colorful sparks. They sputtered in the air, letting off a soft glowing light. I knew what these were, too. This must've been what Jace was talking about.


I have seen them in real life before, in my apartment in Brooklyn. The red, white, and blue sparks showered across the city skyline. Now, they were raining down upon the beach, and looked even more beautiful with the water underneath them, reflecting the colorful lights.

I could hear myself gasp, and then Jace pulled me slightly tighter against him. I looked over and saw that, he too, was staring up at the sky in awe. I kissed his cheek, loving his childish demeanor at that moment.

He looked over at me and smiled softly. "Happy Fourth of July."

"Mhmm," I mumbled. I tucked my head in the crook of his arm, looking at the sky, at the fireworks.

He took his finger under my chin, and lifted up my head to look in his eyes. Without saying another word, he captured my lips in his.

It wasn't a bruising or desperate kiss, like many of ours had been. This kiss was soft and light, yet filled with the utmost passion and love. I kissed him back the same way, not wanting to possibly ruining this beautiful moment.

The fireworks continued. People were laughing. People were chatting. Everyone was happy. All was well.

And I couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment.

A/N: Wasn't that such a sweet and fluffy ending? I loved writing it! I just want to thank you all for all your love and support for this story! I love you guys so much! Thank you! :)

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