Chapter 11: Sweetheart

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A/N: okay, so you guys will probably hate me now. I made you wait for two weeks, and all I have is a short little filler chapter. So sorry! :( I'm having a little writers block right now, and I may be ending the story soon. Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters. But I will write more fanfiction! You can leave requests in the comments! Love you all! ;*

Disclaimer: I don't own The Mortal Instruments or the characters in that fabulous series. Cassandra Clare owns those.


"Well," said a familiar voice. "This is unexpected."

I opened my eyes and felt something behind me. Something warm.

I twisted my head around to see Jace behind me-completely naked. I gasped.

I twisted back around to see Magnus standing in the doorway, looking slightly amused.

"How peculiar," he said, and then mumbled under his breath, "Just like Will and Tessa."

Jace was finally stirring. He sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, which widened miraculously when they fell upon Magnus.

"Magnus?" he said incredulously. "What-what are you doing here?"

"Alec and I came back to the Institute because we were hungry," he said bluntly. "I came to tell you that breakfast was ready. Well, if you want, you could stay here and...." he grinned, "resume your activities."

"Magnus!" I said. Did he have to say that? Really?

"You two have a nice day," said Magnus, while walking out of the door.

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. I jumped back, only to fall off the bed. I felt a wave of coldness wash over me, and looked down to see that I too-was naked.

I reached my hand behind to grab the closest article of clothing, which happened to be Jace's shirt. I pulled it over my head and turned back around to see Jace grinning, with his eyes half-open.

"Morning sweetheart," he said sweetly.

"Don't call me that," I mumbled.

He sat up and ran his hand through his hair. "You don't look too happy," he observed.

I'm not happy, though. Shouldn't I be? What's there to be upset about? I practically just had the best night of my life with my loving boyfriend last night. I should be happy. Maybe I'm just in shock from what happened. I lost my virginity. I mean, that's a pretty big deal.

"It's nothing," I said quietly.

He got up from bed, and I looked away while he shrugged on his boxers. "You don't have to look away, you know," he said with a smirk.

"Shut up."

He walked over to me and gave me a hug. A hug? Jace Lightwood never gives hugs.

"What's wrong?" He asked while stroking my hair, and I could tell that he really was concerned.

"It's just- I don't know. Maybe I'm just shocked?" I said uncertainly.

"Well, that's expected."

I laid my head on his chest, and we stayed like that for a little while. Just embracing each other, taking it all in.

But, of course, Jace could never stay more than a few minutes without making some remark.

"You know, you weren't this shy last night," he said. I pulled back to glare at him, and he looked me in the eyes, an evil smile slowly spreading across his face. "In fact, you were quite the opposite."

I slapped him upside the head and stepped out of his embrace. "Goddammit Jace."

He smiled, and said, "C'mon, let's go get some breakfast."

I nodded and made a grab for the door knob. He placed his hand on mine, and said, "You know, I appreciate the whole nothing-but-a-shirt look, but we wouldn't want to startle Isabelle or Alec." I smiled then, due to a rushing wave of déjà vu.

"I'll just go to my room to get something to wear," I said.

"Well..." A grin slowly spread across his face. "I'm going to need my shirt back."

Really? "C'mon Jace, I'm not falling for that. Good try, though."

Jace frowned comically, and I left the room.

I walked down the hallway to my room. Next to my closet was the calendar. I checked the date and saw that I've been here for almost two weeks now; two more days left at the Institute. Well actually, I guess I could go home anytime because I found out that my mom and Luke were actually at the house the whole time just making out and..... ugh. Gross.

I opened my closet and flipped through practically all my clothes. I finally settled on black leggings and and a loose olive-green shirt.

I went to the kitchen, where Jace, and Isabelle were already sitting at the island, eating toast.

"Hey," I said.

"Hello Clary," said Isabelle, smirking.

I eyed her suspiciously. Could she have known? Did Jace tell her? It was pretty obvious that Jace had absolutely no shame when it came to.... that.

Jace turned his gaze to me and smirked. I turned away, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

Isabelle looked at us back and forth a couple of times, and then grinned. "Okay, well we all know you two had sex last night." Isabelle said blatantly.

By this point, my cheeks were probably red as a tomato. "Uhh, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jace just grins evilly.

"Clary, how swiftly you dismiss our love," Jace said, using his line from when we first kissed and were interrupted by Simon.

Isabelle grinned, a grin not much unlike Jace's, and said, "So, how was it?"

"Mmmmm," Jace said. "Fabulous."


"Awhhhh my wittle Clary's growin up," Izzy said, in a mocking baby voice.

I got up from the table, and left the kitchen.

A/N: So sorry it was so short! But leave likes and reviews! Thank you all :)

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