Chapter 14

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I clenched a white handkerchief in my hand and stared down at my best friend.

"We are gathered here today in memory of a beautiful girl, who stayed strong until the end." The preacher's words faded away as I whipped at the tears that fell from my face. I didn't want to say goodbye.

Eden's week old sister, Eve, cried from her mother's arms as her mom stoked her first born's arm ever so softly.

"Thanks so much Eden." I smiled genuinly, a soft tear rolled from my cheek onto the plush white blanket she was permanently resting apon. "For everything. I'm so so very sorry, I'll miss you." I almost expected an answer, but didn't get one. It was no different from her still and lust state she had been trapped in for months prior, now she was freed from her constant pain. 

I took my hand from her stiff and cold one and stepped away allowing everyone else to have their last moment with her. 

I watched hesitantly as Eden's little cousin Emily approched her role model for the final time. "Thank's Eden." Her mom laid a protective, supportive hand on Emily's shoulder. "I'll take care of Eve for you, just like you did for me." She reached her hand forward and paused before touching Eden's. Finally she laid hers down and linger for a moment, cherishing her final moment with her cousin. 

"Emily." Her mom redirected her and brought her away from the casket. 

I just watched as they covered Eden's fragile body with a white sheet and closed the top over her body. I was about to say goodbye to my best friend forever, who died to young.

She was lowered into the ground slowly as I was taken back just six months ago to the day we were just children freaking out over her bloody nose and bruised legs. It felt like I had aged years since then. 

"Goodbye Eden." Her mom let go of a quiet sob as she threw a clump of dirt down over her first born child. Finally it was my turn to contribute to the burial. I let go of the few particals of dirt, sifting them through my fingers, "I hope you're looking down on me, nothing would make me happier." I smiled, dropping the rest of dirt down into the hole. Emily began to sob when her mom threw the dirt down into the hole and she was led away from the site back to her mother's car. 

I didn't stay to watch the rest of the burial. I'd said my goodbye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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