Chapter 4

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I slid my feel clumsily across the cold, grain floor, causing a loud screech as I trudged down the hall.

"Lift your head up darling." Mom offered a week smile, fingering the end of my chin ever so softly before she planted a soft kiss on my nose. "I made you some sausage."

I stood quietly.

"It's your favorite." She turned back to the stove and lifted the frying pan from the burner, turning the sausage onto a crisp white plate.

I reached for the plate and held it in one hand for a moment as my mother resisted in letting go. "Eat up." She whispered, turning out of her trance. "We have to be at the hospital at noon, which means we leave once you finish eating

Fear rattled my body. The possibility of pokes and proods, anticipation of death tearing me from my life and family inside that insanely sanitary hell hole.

"Do I have to stay?" My voice quivered softly.

"I don't know Eden. But whatever happens, it's all to save you honey." She tucked her elbows under her and leaned onto the counter, edging her face closer to mine. I could smell her warm minty breath that wafted into my face.

"What if I die?" I picked cautiously at my food.

"God has a plan for you dear." She whispered so softly I could hardly hear her. "If that's his plan for you, we will take it one step at a time."

A few nurses bustled around us, communicating with patients and running in and out of examining rooms. Mom led me past an automatic sliding door with a large sign on the front that read 'Oncology.'

My mom and I were sent looks of pity as she warily wandered down the hall. I could practically hear voices of the onlookers 'Is it the mother, or is it the child?' As their eyes flickered from me to my mother.

"Eden McCole here for Dr. Matt please." Moms voice shook as she tapped anxiously on the marble counter.

"Hello Eden!" Dr. Matt came into the waiting room quietly behind us and his smile quickly diminished. "We just have to talk for a few moments before you can be on your way home." I looked up at mom for reassurance. That could be good. Maybe I'm ok and I don't need treatment.

Mom placed a hand on my shoulder and I could see the ever growing worry spread across her face like a wildfire in a forest. "Mom?"

"It's ok Eden. Follow Dr. Matt." I slowly followed his swishing white lab coat through the white halls into another conference room much like the one we had met in just the other day.

He sat closed the door behind us as we took our seats and sat down across from us.

"I have some unfortunate news." He pulled his hands in front of him, folding them on the table and leaning forward.

"Unfortunately, the leukemia, well. It has already spread to Eden's liver."

I looked to my mom for reassurance. Her grim look offered none. "What does this mean?" I squeaked. My question made mom wince.

"Oh Eden." Dr. Matt reached for my hand and mom pulled her arm around my shoulders.

"No." I panicked. "No! You're not for real!"

"I'm so sorry Eden. We can start you on a low dose just to help with your symptoms. I need you to understand Eden that that will not cure you. I don't want to offer false hope."

A single, weak tear slid down the side of my face. "Are you trying to tell me that there's nothing? You can't do anything? I'm just going to die?!"

"We can hope for an advancement in medication." He offered.

"No!" I whipped the tear as mom squeezed me a bit harder. "How long?" I composed myself.

"I predict 6 months to a year, but, God has the last choice in this."

"I want to go home." I looked to my mother.

"Im righting you a chemo therapy prescription." He opened a pad and began to scribble. "You can take it at home, just two pills a day, right after you eat breakfast. And I'll see you back here in a few weeks when you run out. Make an appointment at the front desk." He handed my mom the paper who took it emotionlessly and then opened the dork for us and patted my shoulder as I left.

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