Chapter 7

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I sat quietly alone at the science table that Eden and I usually shared, of course, it was always quiet, but I still missed her company.

Mrs.Yess strolled into the room and approched the white board, "Is there anyone missing today?" She erased yesterday's date with her forearm as she asked the innocent question that sent a million needles protruding through my midsection.

"Eden." I wispered so quietly she didn't comprehend what I had said.

She turned around and made eye contact with me before flickering her gaze to Eden's empty spot for the third day in a row. "Eden." She said quietly to herself, swaying towards her computer. I wondered when her mom would call in and announce that Eden was offically never coming back to school. When Mrs. Yess would notice that Eden was no longer on her class list and when she would stop noticing all together that Eden wasn't in her assigned seat.

"Chloe, can I speak with you in the hall for a moment?" Her tight frown made her kind wrinkled face almost seem scary. Emotions pecked at the soft spots inside me, threatening tears to come at any moment.

"Sure." I avoided Mazy's questioning stares as I followed Mrs. Yess into the hall. She closed the door behind us to ensure our conversation would be heard by no one.

"Chloe, do you know what's happened with Eden."

I took in a breath and used all my will power to hold the emotions inside me. "She went to the doctor."

"And..." She questioned.

"She's not coming back."

"My. That serious?"

"She's going to die."

"Chloe are you sure?" She reached out her arm and pulled it back hesitantly, wondering if she should try to console me or not.

"Unless Eden was lying."

"Oh I'm sorry dear." She pulled me into a hug and the tears could no longer contain themselves. They fled my body like niagra falls and I was filled with such anger and hatred in that moment.

"Dear, I think you should go see her."


I picked weakly at the pieces I had cut off of my hamburger and pushed them around the plate.

"Eden." Mom walked into the room and sat across the table from me, "You're father and I had a conversation last night, and I think it's only fair that we share some information with you." She paused expectantly as if she thought I would tell myself what I already knew she was hiding from me. "I'm pregnant."

My face stayed stone hard.



"We aren't replacing you." She almost seemed to question.

"I know." I popped a tiny bite of beef and ketchup into my mouth and swallowed the tasteless food. "How far along are you?" I wanted to be garenteed to meet my sibling. 'Please. Please.' I prayed silently to God.

"About 12 weeks."

"Nearly three months. I'll make it."

"You'll make it?" She questioned.

"I'll meet him or her."

"Her." She responded hesitantly, "It's a girl."

"I'm going to have a sister! A sister!" I smiled.

"I'm glad you're happy Eden. Your dad and I decided, we'd like you to name her."

"Name your baby?!"

"Name your sister." She corrected, placing a hand on the table for support.

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