Chapter 11

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"Eden?" Someone prodded me awake and pulled me tight when I opened my eyes.

"Who's there?" I grumbled sleepily.

"Chloe." She let me tumble back onto the bed.

"Chloe help me." I whimpered.

"Sure, anything. What is it?"

"I don't know what to do. I'm going to leave them behind and I want to do something nice for them. And Eve."

"Wait, who's Eve?"

"My mom is pregnant. She told me to name the baby, I picked Eve but I haven't told anyone yet."

"That's a pretty name. Eve." She tested it and thought silently for a moment.

"It's hard. I mean, we have to think of a way to leave a piece of you behind."

"Jan. She had my pictures taken a while back. I need to get them!"

"Who's Jan?"

"My make a wish lady."

"You really are going to die." She whispered to herself. "It just doesn't feel real."

"I know."

"What does it feel like to die?"

"I don't know! Do I look dead to you?!"

She examined my body, "Well, no. But you don't look very good."

"Gee thanks Chloe."

"Well! You're so skinny, and your face is all white except your eyes are kind of purple almost and your hair is falling out in clumps!" she waved her hands at me.

"I can't help it."

"I know. I'm sorry." She pulled me in for another hug. She hesitated for a moment, "You know what Eden, I'm going to go get those pictures for you." She smiled before racing out of the room.

When I heard the slam of the front door I went to the bathroom to check myself out. My body was unattractively skinny, my skin was pulled tight against my cheek bones revealing every flaw. The bags under my eyes had turned a light shade of purple and my normally radiant blue eyes had dulled. My wavy brown hair was thinning more than ever. I reached up and began to pull the strands from my head, tossing my hair into the trash can until I was completely bald.

I collapsed onto the floor in a wave of exhaustion and let sleep carry me away.

"Eden." My moms worried tone filled my thoughts. I blinked twice before I realized I was still lying on the bathroom floor.

She pulled me into her arms and helped me to my bed.

"This is Lara, your nurse." The woman bustled into the room with a large bag that she set on my desk as my mom wrapped the blanked tight around my body.

"Hello Eden." She smiled at me. "I'm just going to start the chemotherapy now if that's alright." She returned to her things and pulled some sort of pull close to my bedside and attached a clear bag with a strange colored substance inside of it.

She hooked a little tube to the bag and the next thing I knew she was facing me with a needle grasped between her fingers.

"I'm just going to put in this catheter so I can have access to your veins without having to poke you all the time."

"So I'm just going to have a needle in my arm until I die?" She winced slightly at my harsh words. "Sorry." I gave her my arm and clenched my eyes closed as she stuck the needle into my flesh. She wrapped my arm with gauze to steady the needle and then reached for the tube which she somehow screwed into the catheter.

"I'm all done now. Just let me know if you need anything dear."

"How long does this take?" I glanced at the bag that dripped its chemicals inside me.

"About two hours." I sat back on the fluffed pillow and waited. The chemicals burned as they entered my veins and mixed with my blood. But the suffering it caused was all for Eve.


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