Chapter 11

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Thursday, October 25

So here I was sitting in front of their house. I couldn't believe I was really going through with this. I mean what if Lily didn't even notice. My fingers tapping against the steering wheel, the sound barely audible over the country song turned down low just enough so I could still hear the lyrics. I was starting to find it very enjoyable as I tuned out as last night came flashing back to me.

I had gotten a phone call from my dad about nine thirty, telling me not to push my luck and that I better be back by ten o' clock or else. The fight had completely left my body now that I still had some hope left that I could get Lily back. The only thing I was worried about was what if Lily saw through our act right off? I said goodnight to Brett and his mother before leaving. Kate wouldn't come down when her mom called up to her that I was leaving.

"I'm busy!" She shouted down followed by a loud bang, which sounded oddly like something being thrown on the ground or at a wall.

"Bye Kate!" I yelled back.

"Seven thirty tomorrow morning. Don't forget!" This was again followed by loud banging sounds above us.

"Tomorrow morning?" Mrs. Wilder asked.

"Yeah remember Mom, I told you I have a chemistry project due tomorrow. I'm going in early and Nathan offered to give Kate a ride." Brett told his mom, lying smoothly.

"Well that's very nice of you." She replied giving a quick glance my way.

"No worries. Anything I can do to help out my best bud here, but yeah I really should get going." I tried to keep my voice cool and confident, but it came out as a squeak.

"Of course. Say hello to your parents for me." She said as I walked out onto the front porch.

"Sure. See you tomorrow Brett." I left without looking back. It was starting to become one of my best ways of avoiding conflict and lying, of course.

The sound of the door slamming shut brought me back to the present.

"Hey, easy on the truck." I start the truck before even glancing at her.

"Sorry." She says quietly. I look over at her again and I'm shocked at what I see.

"Kate?" I ask shocked.

"Duh" she says getting about as annoyed as I'm feeling. She didn't look like the girl I had last seen, she looks completely different. Her dark brown hair, which she got from her mother and Brett, is down and straight. It's usually up in a bun.

"I've never noticed how long your hair is." This slips out before I even realize that I was saying it.

Her cheeks flush a little as she tucks a strand behind her ear.

"I mean I've never seen it down before." I say trying to save myself.

"Thanks" she says smiling at me. I turn to look in front of me and pull away from her house off in the direction of school.

"So why am I driving you to school again?" I ask her still looking straight ahead.

"Guys" I hear her mutter under her breath.

"You are driving me to school so we can talk about how you are supposed to act at school and because all my friends boyfriends drive them to school." She explains to me.

"But I don't get why I have to be told how to act at school."

"If I didn't you would walk in there and not act like my boyfriend. There are certain things you need to do. We only have a small amount of time to make sure that everyone knows we are couple. You have to be able to answer questions that people will surely ask. This isn't going to be as easy as it looks."

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