The Forest Is Home To Many Secrets

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**Pic Off to the side- Hunter(Far Left), Zack(Middle), Trevor(Far Right)**

"So, You and Alex are brother sister?" Chase asked as they headed in the forest. "Yeah, he was born a month ahead of me and then our mom allowed him to move here to England" Zoey answered back. "Nice, wait what was that?" Chase said as a shadowy figure approched the both of them. "Chase, calm down! it's me and Colton" said Zack. "I swear you two could scare anything!" "And who is this beautiful little lady with you tonight?" asked Colton. "Colton, Zoey, Zoey, Colton" he said introducing Zoey to the two boys. 

"We're having a feast with everyone else just up ahead if you wanna join, Zoey?" asked Zack. "I'd love to" she said as they headed into the clearing where only a fire was lit and the wolf pack was goofing around. "Boys!" yelled Colton. "Colton and Zack are back!" yelled Tyler. Zack sat on the ground next to Tyler and Colton sat on the rock in the middle of Hunter and Zayn. "Colton, We have new reports of Rain activity in the forest!" said Hunter. 

"Who is Rain?" asked Zoey. Chase pulled Colton aside, "Don't you dare tell her!" he growled. "If she is to be witht he pack in the next few days then she must know what the hell she's getting into, Chase!" Colton growled back as he went and sat back down. "So who is Rain? and what was the growling about?" she wondered. "Rain is a ancient vampire clan, They destoryed the countryside until the day our pack came and we thought we put a end to them" Colton said with fear in his voice. "That is until I ran into the leader of the clan, Harry, his brother and sister, Liam and Sarah are his second and third in command they're the last of the vampires" Tyler added on. 

"So what y'all are like what? werewolves?" Zoey asked with a slight essence of fear in her voice. Colton and his pack looked up at the moon. The moonlight gleamed off the pack's toned bodies as they all backed away to revile the answer to her. Colton had become a werewolf. Zoey sat there in fright. She tried to yell but nothing came out then as the moon was covered up by the night clouds. He transformed back into a human and all she saw was ripped jeans and a shirtless boy stand before her saying, "Now you have your answer"

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