From The Deep South To Across The Pound

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***Pic Of Chase On The Side***

Zoey's POV

I'll never forget that Summer in 2013. Just after school let out, my mom gave me a ticket to London, England and said, "Your brother will pick you up at the airport Have a nice summer sweetie" Little did she know or i know, that That summer would prove that all those myths and legends I heard when i was little growing up in Southren Georgia would be true.

***Narrator's POV***

Zoey walked off the plane and saw her brother waiting there with a sign. "Zoe! Hi over here!" Alex yelled waving at her from across bagage claim. "Big bro, just no" she said laughing at him as they walked out of the airport and to his house. 

In The Forest Of Dean, A wolf pack runs into a clearing with a fresh kill. As the last wolf makes his apperence, the pack leader, Colton, transforms back into his human form with the others following his lead. As he stood before his pack, the moon gleamed off his wet body. "Now, lads tonight we feast!" Colton howled. His best friend, Zack, walked up onto the rock and lit the fire to start cooking their kill. Tyler and his girlfriend, Sophia, snuck off from the pack to walk around the forest but ran into a member of Rain. 

The shadow jumped out of the top of the trees and landed at Tyler's feet. "Hello, werewolf!" it said with a slight smirk. "You again! I thought Colton told your kind to leave this forest, Harry!" he yelled. Harry smirked showing his teeth and said, "What your pathtaic leader doesn't know won't hurt him now will it, Tyler" "Who do you know his name!" Sophia yelled at him. "Oh fistey one eh but i must be on my way though tell your pack leader, Harry said, Rain is back!" he said as he flew off into the night sky. 

***Alex's House: A Few Hours Later***

 "Zoe!" he yelled up the stairs, "Come down stairs a friend of mine is here I want you to meet!". She came down stairs to the sight of dripping wet black hair and a shirtless tan body standing in front of her. "Hi sis, meet Chase his a friend of mine that lives near the Forest" Alex said. "Hi Chase" she said with a slight whimper in her voice. "I'm stopping by cause I'm heading to see some friends in the forest" "Mind if Zoe tags along with you to get a taste of the countryside?" Alex asked. "Not at all wanna come Zoey I don't mind" Chase asked her in a deep baritone voice. "Yeah I'll go" she answered as she locked her arms with his and walked out the door to the forest. 

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