Chapter 14 Saving the day

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Buddy smiled at Nathan and took his hand. “Follow me. We are running out of time.” With that they hurried out of the room. Germaine stood up, and despite the efforts of his mate to stop him, the Beta followed suit. He turned around. “Honey, knock it off, this is much more important, can’t you see it?” She was dead set on protecting him, but this wasn’t the time for resting and recovering.

Germaine was worried. A pack who lost the pack link was going rogue. There was no turning back. He alerted the pack guards who scurried down the basement in an instant. After all he knew from Alpha, he would refuse to hand over the pack lead to protect them. Most likely that bastard would do anything in his power to split the pack up. And if possible killing Nathan or better Timmy.

Germaines mate finally caved in and helped him down to the basement where the pack guards gathered, surrounding Buddy protectively. They opened the door to the small room where Alpha had been thrown in unceremoniously. It was pretty clear that his spine was broken, he leaned at the wall, his legs in a strange angle and clearly in a lot of pain.

Buddy stepped in, the pack guards felt uneasy to let him go in at first, but even to them it was clear: Alpha wasn’t a threat to no one anymore. When he heard the rustling he opened his eyes. “Oh the runt of the pack. The imbecile. I should have killed you when I had the opportunity. Or better just drowned right after birth.” Nathan stepped in front of Buddy, snarling at Alpha.

The man started to chuckle, but stopped with a pained whine. “Oh, the wannabe Alpha. Did you finally realize that you lost the fight?” he looked at him, a strange amusement in his eyes. “And too bad that I’m not giving you the Alpha position at free will. A bunch of rogues, that’s all you will receive from me. And to me it’s just fine. A bunch of weaklings and morons, that’s what this pack was. But, I have to admit, a convienient bunch of morons. Too bad that you finally grew balls. You couldn’t wait a little longer, could you?” Buddy was watching the man intensely.

Nathan growled. “I saw the files. I know all your crimes against the pack. And you deserve every minute of pain you are experiencing.” Alpha chuckled. “If it wasn’t for me and my deal with those vermins you would be wiped out long ago.” Buddy nudged him. “Care to explain?”

Nathan took a deep breath. “The lost pups were sold to a group who is dedicated to kill werewolves. He sold them for a huge amount of money. Everytime when they “lost” a pup, then they asked him for another one for their experiments. As far as I know those “Experiments” are about the most efficient way to kill werewolves.” A loud gasp came from the pack guards and a loud snarl and Alpha started to laugh.

“I’m dead meat. But I’m still your Alpha. And with my death this pack will cease to exist.” Buddy stepped in front of Alpha. “Oh no. It won’t.” he told Alpha, who, for the first time they opened the door looked somewhat scared. “So is it true? You’re a sun wolf?” he asked the younger man. Buddy nodded. “And currently I am the wolf half. In full control.” Buddy looked at Nathan. “Give me your hand.” Nathan took Buddys Hand and the wolf laid his hand on Alphas forehead, not caring his feeble efforts to push the hand away. “Repeat your accusations, Nathan.” he said.

And Nathan did. He saw a light glow coming from their folded hands and a dark cloud coming from Alpha. Buddy nodded. “This is all the truth.” he stated sadly.

Buddy stood straight, fixing Alpha with his piercing gaze. “In order to your crimes against this pack I declare you unfit to rule and to judge. You are no longer Alpha of this pack.” he paused briefly. “And you may not rest in peace until you made up your crimes to each member of the pack.” He turned around, fixing Nathan. “I declare you as Alpha of this pack. And may the spirits help you if you let them down like this wolf did.”

With the last words of Buddy Nathan felt strange. It was like a sudden wind wafted through his inner core, testing him, teasing him. And then, suddenly, his mind was full of voices. For a moment the sensations became too strong. He felt Nate howling in pain of the transition. But Buddy held his hand tightly, sending calming and loving vibes through their special connection.

One by one of his packmates made a connection with his mind. And now he understood why the sudden death of an Alpha was able to wipe out a whole pack. He was now the center of all communications. Each thought, each emotion sending to one of his pack mates got channeled through him. He could feel his sister and her sadness that her mate wasn’t part of the pack.

And for the first time in a very long time he could feel his parents. And their love for him. And the pain they felt when they realize that he knew that he wasn’t their own child. It was too much and he almost broke down, but Buddy stood firm at his side, supporting him in every way.

And when the first wave of those connections finally calmed down and the sensations went back to a whisper in the back of his mind, he could hear the desperate cries of Alpha, who was condemned to an unwanted life by his mate. He looked at Buddy in awe. “You have that much power?” he asked. Buddy nodded. “That. And more.” Buddy turned around, facing Alpha again.

“Your first task is to get all pups back you can get a hold of. Those who are not already dead. I know the exact number, and you better hurry.” Alpha looked at him in horror. “The pain in my back… I can’t even move?” Buddy nodded. “The pain will fade in a few hours. You are currently healing. And then you are leaving the pack, you know what you have to do.” he paused, looking at the terrified man sternly. “And don’t betray any of us a second time. You will not die before you didn’t find the fate of any single pup you stole from their mothers. And before you made up for it. You have to seek the forgiveness of the parents. And if you are too slow, if one of the parents is dying, let’s say because of an attack of the hunters. Or another rogue attack, you will live for a very long time. So, you better hurry.”

With those words Timmys appearance changed completely. The eyes lost their stern gaze and his stance changed slightly. Timmy looked around, completely dazed. “Oh WOW.” he finally managed to say and that was it. The guards started to chuckle.

Nathan grinned and took his mate in a tight embrace. “Welcome back, my love.” he said only for Timmy to hear. And Timmy snuggeld happily in his chest.

Nathan nudged his mate. “There is one thing left.” he smiled at him. Timmy cocked his head and looked at him questioningly. “Yes?” he asked curious.

Nathans smile went wide as the horizon. “Welcome to the pack” and with that he established another connection to the pack. And Timmy, hearing his pack for the first time of his life, experiencing the warm welcome of all pack members and the rush of love wafting through him looked up to his mate with teary eyes. “Oh wow.”

And the whole pack started a laughing fit when they heard the excited voice of Buddy:

“Are we now Alpha too or Luna?”


Oh wow. My first longer story. 14 Chapters may short, but for me it's a long road.

Only the Epilogue left. ;-)

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