Chapter 7 - Okay. Fighting. I can do it.

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It's official. I lack title-skills.


 When he left Alphas house, a young blonde woman approached him. “Hey, I’m Rena, the pack counselor.” Nathan almost groaned, he completely forgot to cancel his appointment. “Sorry, Ma'am, I’m actually quite busy and…” she cut him up and said: “No, you listen to me. Your parents…” now it was Nathans time to cut her up: “Ma’am with all due respect: I’m a grown man, my parents hold no power over me anymore. And for sure I will not attend any appointment they made up for me.”

She just smiled, a little evil like he thought, and said: “We’ll see, young Nathan. We’ll see.” With that she strolled away. Nathan grew tired and a slight wave of compassion came from Nate. “Okay, this seriously gets overboard. Nathan we have to DO something.

Nathan agreed fullheartedly. The constant fire of his family was really getting to him. He went to his car, when Alpha called him back. He obediently hurried to the burly man. “Yes, Alpha?” he asked, his face as blank as possible. He didn’t like the amusement of his face one bit.

“I changed my mind.” Nathan gaped at him. “Alpha?” he asked warily. “Well, seeing that a rejected mate is a death sentence to both wolves and despite the fun I would have to see the little shit dying, I cannot afford to lose you, too. I invested too much money and years in your education, it would be a pity if it’s going to waste, wouldn’t it? So go. Mate with that imbecile. You’ve got three days off to come to terms. And, Nathan?” he stopped and was getting serious. “Don’t try to lie to me. I can sniff lies on every person.” He turned around, leaving a shocked Nathan behind.

I can sniff lies on every person.” he heard the mock repeat of Nate. “My ass that guy wouldn’t sniff shit if his nose was sticking in it. How can such a dumbass succeed in getting an Alpha of this pack?” Nathan shook his head to get it clear. “Well, that’s exactly what I want to find out. He couldn’t have done this alone.

He looked at his watch and cursed. It was almost too late for his little training lesson with Germaine. He hurried back to his car and went directly to he little clearing. Germaine was sitting near the rock, Timmy right beside him, showing the Beta something. A huge wave of possessiveness rushed through him and he snarled at Germaine. “Back off.” he hissed at him, but Germaine just chuckled.

“You should thank me, not threaten me. I told Alpha today the whole story how a mate's rejection is killing both mates. I guess he already told you that you have to mate with Timmy?” Nathan smiled and nodded. “Well, if you still have enough strength when we finished training.”

Nathan stripped and changed into his wolf. He looked at his mate and chuckled lightly. Timmy was gazing at him like a hypnotized rabbit...well, more like a hypnotized wolf seeing a delicious rabbit. “NO HUNTING IN THIS FOREST!” Nate warned him. Nathan rolled his eyes and approached the slender man. He changed back, fetched the hanky from his suit jacked and wiped away the drool of Timmys mouth. “I’m not eadible, you know?” he grinned and pecked his nose.

Then he changed back. Germaine stripped also and Timmy buried his blushing face in Nathans fur. Both man and wolf grinned at each other. “I have to establish a link between you and me, or I won’t be able to talk to you in wolf form. And seeing that you are a bit slow in the empathy department I think it’s better if I can explain some things to you. This might hurt a bit.”

Germaine approached Nathan with a few steps, laid his hand on his snout and he felt his world explode. A far howl came from somewhere and it took a few moments until he understood that it was him who was howling in pain.

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